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Why did Professor Melissa Hendrickson adopt Revel?
In Fall 2017, Professor Hendrickson was looking for a replacement for a competitor’s digital homework product and appreciated how Revel offered students the opportunity to read, practice, and study in one comprehensive environment. She hoped the short readings and interactives would increase student engagement. Therefore, Professor Hendrickson adopted Revel in her Introduction to Agricultural and Resource Economics course.
How was Revel used in the course?
Introduction to Agricultural and Resource Economics is a one-semester, three-credit, entry-level course. Assessments included three exams, 17 Revel homework assignments, and news analysis.
Revel assignments consisted of practice quizzes, concept checks, and end-of-chapter homework. Students were given unlimited attempts to successfully answers questions and the Revel assignments accounted for 30% of the course grade.
Were students successful over the semester?
Data show average exam scores were seven percentage points higher for students earning Revel scores above average. Data also shows that if students are not completing Revel assignments successfully, they may lack the requisite content knowledge necessary to effectively complete the course exams.
In addition, students earning final course grades of A/B/C, showing mastery of course content, completed four additional Revel assignments on average than students earning a D/F as the final course grade.
Did students like using Revel?
Responses from the Fall 2018 end-of-semester survey of Hendrickson’s students indicate the majority of responding students recognize the value of Revel.
- 88% of respondents agreed that the “read a little, do a little” interactive approach of Revel helped them learn and retain the material better than they would have with a traditional textbook.
- 82% of respondents agreed that Revel practice quizzes at the end of each section allowed them to check their understanding of what they read before moving on to the next section.
- 87% of respondents said they preferred the interactivity of Revel to a regular print textbook.
- 84% of respondents said the resources provided in Revel made the program a good value for the course.
- 81% of respondents would recommend Revel to another student.
When asked what the benefits of Revel were, students responded:
- “Revel helped me retain information better than with a traditional textbook.”
- “I especially liked when I answered a question and there was an explanation tailored to my answer.”
- “The textbook was online so I didn't have to carry a physical book, which I greatly appreciated.”
Hendrickson implemented Revel to encourage students to read the text while having immediate access to assignments and assessments. On the end-of-semester survey, respondents overwhelmingly agreed that the “read a little, do a little” approach in Revel helped them learn and retain the information better than a traditional text, and the Concepts Checks provided clarity before moving on to the next section.
Further, data indicate that if students are not completing Revel assignments successfully, they may lack the requisite content knowledge necessary to effectively complete the summative course exams.
Read the full case study here
Learn more about how Revel InMicro could benefit your course