Increase student engagement with Revel Sociology
Pearson Results Team | June 3, 2021 in Meaningful Outcomes
Pearson interviewed instructors across the United States in spring 2020 to understand how they’re using and experiencing Revel Introduction to Sociology by Macionis.
Through this work, we found that Revel Sociology delivers an engaging learning experience while developing the necessary skills and knowledge to be successful in class.
Read the complete findings here or continue reading to understand what they have to say.
Revel engages students
Wes Abercrombie, professor at Midlands Technical College in South Carolina, believes that the variety of resources available in Revel engage a broad range of students. It is flexible enough to cater to their differing needs, all while aligning to what students are reading and what is being addressed in class. Wes explains:
“Revel is highly adaptable to a broad scope of different types of students. It is very useful because it allows them to go to trustworthy sources, besides my own prepared materials, that
augment what students are attempting to learn or struggling to understand. It’s been an asset to me.”
Revel increases comprehension
Wes can tell students are engaging with the material and are comprehending what they are reading, as evidenced in their work. Wes says:
“I can tell when students are reading Revel because they will bring up what they read in discussions and the articles from Revel are being integrated into assignment or term papers. [As a result], I know they are reading it, understanding it, and applying it correctly.”
Revel prepares students for class
Wes Abercrombie notices how Revel gives students a solid foundation to help them come to class with good questions, enabling them to fully participate in class and online discussions.
“It does help them be more prepared for class. Even if it doesn’t explain something, it gives them a foundation to ask a question so they can communicate what they are not understanding.”
Learn more about how Revel Sociology could benefit your course