• Enhance student success and support instructors with Pearson

    by Pearson

    Student sitting in front of corrugated wall, viewing content on their mobile device

    Pearson’s Efficacy and Learning team reviewed six of the top OER competitors and evaluated Pearson’s strengths against each of these offerings.

    Through this work we found that Pearson excels with supporting instructors and helping student achieve personalized outcomes.

    Read the complete findings here, or continue reading to find out how.

    Low Cost, High Quality, Trusted Results

    Pearson’s solutions are low-cost, and we are committed to measuring our impact on the outcomes that matter most to learners and educators. Efficacy is central to Pearson’s design and evaluation process.

    In 2018, Pearson was the first education company to publish third-party audited and independently reviewed reports in an effort to establish transparency and ensure confidence that is unmatched in commercial education. We continue to publish research that investigates our impact on outcomes.

    This is opposed to no-cost solutions that do not have comparable efficacy research on impact and engagement. Pearson’s commitment to efficacy is a key differentiator against OER resources.

    Instructor Flexibility

    Pearson content is designed for impact and offers customization opportunities. Instructors can:

    • Exclude assessment items or add their own items
    • Alter the number of attempts that students are allowed
    • Weigh grades according to their needs
    • Include adaptive features and exclude chapters as required.

    This high degree of flexibility supports instructor’s needs while not compromising on quality.

    Personalized support for all learners

    Pearson offers embedded practice and personalized support to all levels of learners.

    In addition, Pearson provides low stakes, embedded, non-graded assignments to help students gain personalized practice. This is not something OER resources can do.

    Free, all-in-one solutions lack the degree of adaptivity and personalization Pearson products offer. This means a Pearson product is more likely to meet the diverse needs of a large class in a more supportive, personalized way.

    Learner Support and Next Generation Solutions

    Pearson regularly creates new features that support student learning, deeper understanding, retention and personalization.

    Revel includes features competitors don’t have such as shared writing, journaling prompts, and video quizzes – all shown to deepen learning and improve learning gains.

    Further, Pearson offers relevant, engaging content that often incorporates current events that help learners see the application in their day-to-day lives.

    Read the full findings here

    Learn more about Efficacy and Research at Pearson