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  • Katherine Sherwood Rawls, PhD, Professor of Biological Sciences, Florida State College at Jacksonville

    A Complete Lab Experience: Integrating Microbiology Techniques in Virtual Labs for Comprehensive Learning

    By Katie Rawls

    Nestled within Mastering Microbiology, Pearson Interactive Labs for Microbiology, or PILM, is an online suite of microbiology laboratory simulations designed to give students a complete, immersive virtual lab experience. Designed by faculty, like me, who primarily teach Microbiology to allied health students, we sought to transform the way students learn microbiology lab techniques and concepts by providing: 

    • A comprehensive, student-focused design 

    • An engaging, active learning platform 

    • Adaptive and accessible exercises 

    The resulting learning platform engages students with clinically relevant case studies, interactive content, and adaptive learning pathways, guiding them through comprehensive laboratory modules with feedback and critical thinking questions.  

    Development: How PILM came to be 

    Accuracy, scope of learning, and student appeal were essential in the design and function of PILM. The simulations underwent an iterative process to accurately capture laboratory concepts and techniques. As one of the initial authors, my design and development approach helped lay the foundation for additional simulations.  

    1. I identified key learning objectives as well as misconceptions, learning gaps, and experimental errors that I most commonly see in my in-person microbiology laboratory courses. The clinical hook was developed early during the design process as it was interwoven throughout the experiment and post-lab analysis sections of the simulation.  
    2. Working closely with a developmental editor, I created an initial draft that was reviewed internally and then sent to an editorial review board consisting of instructors from various colleges that represent both Pearson and non-Pearson users. These instructors provided feedback, focusing primarily on content fidelity.  
    3. After additional rounds of editing (both in-house and through our review board), I then collaborated with our design and production teams. I worked with the animation team to ensure authentic action during the simulation, the arthouse to ensure that our visual elements are pertinent and accurate, and visual designers who helped to provide visually engaging screens.  
    4. I integrated student feedback on the visual appeal and usability of the initial builds.  
    5. The lab was revised until I achieved a realistic, student-centered laboratory experience.  

    Unlike other laboratory simulations that focus on a single technique or concept, PILM embraces a multi-faceted approach, recognizing that microbiological techniques are interconnected and must be used together for experimental success. For example, in the Endospore Stain module, students perform a smear preparation from a solid culture. The smear preparation technique requires a thorough knowledge of aseptic techniques, including culture transfer. During this process, students are asked about the significance of heat-fixation, a concept covered in the Smear Preparation and Simple Staining module. While the primary focus of the Endospore Stain module is endospore staining, students must still remember how to correctly prepare a smear and understand why each step is critical, reinforcing the interconnectedness of important concepts and techniques. Thus, students receive a comprehensive learning experience, comparable to the interconnectedness of an in-person lab. 

    Active learning combined with career relevance 

    When I abruptly transitioned to online-only instruction due to pandemic lockdowns, I scrambled to find virtual laboratory simulations that could replace in-class laboratory exercises. The selection was limited and consisted of “cookbook” laboratory modules, where the student is given step-by-step instruction on how to complete the lab but does not have the ability to make mistakes or pause for reflection. While most students could follow these recipes to perform various microbiological tasks, few could discuss the relevance of the learned techniques or critically analyze various result outcomes. Thus, my goal with PILM was to design an active learning platform where students had to critically think through the scientific process, rather than mindlessly click through the simulation.  

    Learning science research studies have demonstrated the significance of introducing clinically relevant case studies before teaching laboratory skills and techniques. Case study-based labs allow students to see the relevance of their learned techniques while encouraging higher-order thought by incorporating critical thinking. Each laboratory module begins with a clinical hook to boost interest and engagement, offering career-based instruction.  

    Many of my microbiology students, particularly non-traditional undergraduates with multiple responsibilities, often cite limited study time as a barrier to learning. Active learning exercises help these students quickly grasp and master critical concepts. In the PILM platform, students actively learn by performing experiments, identifying common misconceptions, drawing conclusions from data, and answering critical thinking questions. During the Experiment section within the simulations, students encounter speed bumps, or pauses, where they reflect on newly learned skills, fostering a scientific mindset. This approach makes PILM an engaging, career-relevant, and efficient tool for mastering essential laboratory techniques. 

    A versatile tool for the evolving STEM classroom 

    The shift from physical classrooms to virtual learning environments has raised questions among educators about the feasibility of effectively teaching laboratory skills online. PILM addresses these concerns by offering a STEM learning solution that delivers technique-based laboratory instruction through an online platform. Using realistic animation and adaptive learning pathways, students can make and learn from mistakes in a way that is both efficient and engaging. When students make experimental errors within PILM, they receive immediate feedback for just-in-time remediation or delayed feedback at key steps, allowing them to visualize the consequences of their errors. I designed these critical feedback and reflective opportunities at moments where I have seen my students make mistakes in lab. For example, when teaching a Gram stain lab, I have seen students make mistakes during both smear preparation as well as the decolorization step. During the Gram stain simulation, students are given immediate feedback if they improperly heat-fix their specimen to the slide. Decolorization errors provide delayed feedback, as students follow distinct results outcome pathways based on the extent of decolorization and must use critical thinking skills to determine the cause of the unexpected result. I believe that critically evaluating an improperly stained specimen is just as important as completing the staining process correctly. This experiential learning approach ensures a comprehensive and authentic understanding of microbiology labs while addressing technical challenges that may arise during experimentation. 

    As a supplemental tool for face-to-face and hybrid learning modalities, PILM’s virtual labs can:  

    • be assigned before or after in-person labs to reinforce key course objectives, enabling students to preview techniques and grasp their clinical relevance, 

    • offer students a unique opportunity to learn techniques that may not be feasible in an in-person setting due to safety, budgetary, or time constraints, 

    • allow students to work with clinical samples typically off-limits in undergraduate labs, gaining the chance to perform career-relevant work.  

    This adaptability makes PILM a versatile tool for both the evolving STEM classroom and the digital-age learner. 


    Ready to incorporate PILM into your laboratory science curricula? Preview our amazing suite of innovative labs
  • A number of students sitting outside, reviewing content on laptops and mobile devices

    The top eTextbook features your students should be using

    By Erica Von Lohr

    As digital learning continues to evolve, eTextbooks are becoming an essential resource for students, offering features that traditional textbooks simply can't match.  

    Pearson eTextbooks are available as part of a MyLab® & Mastering® course or with a subscription to Pearson+. Each title contains a variety of study tools and resources designed to increase student engagement and maximize learning.  

    Here are the top eTextbook features that every instructor should know to help their students make the most of their studying – and their time. 


    Utilizing audiobooks offers students a flexible and accessible way to engage with course materials, especially for those who prefer auditory learning or have busy schedules.

    With audiobooks, students can learn on the go, turning a commute or exercise time into productive study sessions. This format also supports better comprehension for students who may struggle with reading large volumes of text or those with visual impairments (read-along spotlighting helps students follow along as they listen). By providing an alternative method of absorbing information, audiobooks help students review material in a convenient and engaging way. 

    Highlights & notes 

    Within the eTextbook, students can create notes and highlights to ensure they engage with the material in real time – promoting active reading, which greatly enhances learning and retention. Actively engaging with the course material you’ve adopted will help students increase understanding and boost critical thinking.

    The ability to categorize notes or highlights in different colors and patterns helps students better organize and track themes or important concepts throughout the text. Notes and highlights can be easily organized, searched, and revisited later in the notebook, making it much easier for students to review for exams without flipping – or scrolling – through the pages.  


    Incorporating flashcards into the eTextbook experience offers a dynamic way to reinforce learning. Students can create their own flashcards or use the pre-built flashcards created for their title. Study sessions are more efficient as flashcards are integrated directly into the eTextbook experience.

    Flashcards allow students to actively engage in self-assessment by reviewing key terms and concepts in a quick and interactive format. Repetition and spaced learning methods strengthen memory, making it easier for students to recall information during exams or practical applications.   

    AI-powered study tool* 

    With capabilities like simplified explanations, on-demand summaries, and choose -our-own practice, the AI-powered study tool in an eTextbook helps students break down complex material, focus on key concepts, and receive guidance with challenging concepts to improve learning in the moment.

    This intuitive, 24/7 study companion draws from vetted Pearson content to keep students engaged with the materials you’ve chosen for your course. The AI study tool gives students the simplicity they crave, eliminating the need to leave their assigned course material for help. Instead, support is provided anytime, anywhere within the assigned textbook. 

    Text translation 

    Translation capabilities in eTextbooks are powerful tools for students who are non-native speakers or studying foreign languages.

    With the translate feature, students can highlight words or sections of text and effortlessly translate text on-screen in one of over 100 languages. This feature enables instant translation of words, sections of text, and unfamiliar terms, making the content more accessible and reducing language barriers.

    This promotes a deeper understanding of the material and allows students to focus on learning the subject rather than struggling with language comprehension. Translation tools also help students expand their vocabulary in both their native and target languages, enhancing their overall learning experience. 

    Enhanced search 

    One of the top features of eTextbooks is enhanced search, which enables students to quickly find relevant content for study and review. With a minimum of three characters, search results will populate with related media, images, key terms, and even the student's own notes. 

    Pearson+ mobile app 

    The Pearson+ mobile app provides students with access to all their Pearson eTextbooks in one place. They can get anytime, anywhere access and take advantage of learning on the go – no wifi needed. 

    *Available in select titles for the Fall 2024/Spring 2025 academic terms. 


    To learn more about Pearson+, go to  https://www.pearson.com/en-us/higher-education/products-services/pearsonplus.html     

    Looking for data-driven strategies to encourage student engagement and improved study with an eTextbook? Listen into this webinar hosted by Pearson Research Scientists.


  • Maximize the Power of Revel

    By Liz Lebold

    Imagine being able to give your students a tool that puts them in the driver’s seat of their individual learning journeys.

    Revel is an innovative teaching and learning platform that transforms passive education into an interactive experience. By assigning coursework within Revel, you’ll inspire students and elevate learning outcomes. You’ll also make your life easier.

    5 Ways Revel Assignments Make Instructors’ Lives Easier

  • Group of individuals sitting in a computer lab while an instructor discusses information on device.

    Three simple ways to use AI to empower teaching and learning

    By Nada Alnounou

    Artificial intelligence (AI) has been the hot topic on the block for a few years, and there are mixed feelings about it.

    Some people fear its potential for misuse and academic dishonesty. However, conversations about AI in higher education have broadened to encompass this technology’s tremendous ability to positively transform teaching and learning. Our job as educators is to bridge the daunting gap of the unknown and help our students learn how to use this new tool at their disposal. Instead of shying away from this incredibly useful resource, we should be instructing students on the moral and appropriate ways to utilize AI.

    Here are a few ways that AI can be used to enhance and empower classroom instruction.

  • Group of students sitting around banched table, reviewing content on laptop screen.

    Voices of Innovation: A Q&A Series on Generative AI – Part 7

    By Pearson Voices of Innovation Series

    Using technology to improve teaching and learning is in Pearson’s DNA. As the first major higher education publisher to integrate generative AI study tools into its proprietary academic content, Pearson is excited to be harnessing the power of AI to drive transformative outcomes for learners. We are focused on creating tools that combine the power of AI with trusted Pearson content to provide students with a simplified study experience that delivers on-demand, personalized support, whenever and wherever they need it.

    In this multi-part blog series, you’ll have a chance to hear about AI innovations from Pearson team members, faculty, and students who have been involved with the development and rollout of Pearson’s AI-powered study tools.

  • Student with dry erase marker in hand, writing on presentation board in front of the class

    MyLab Math: Purpose-built to meet students where they are on their unique learning journeys

    By Patrick Golden

    Located in the heart of downtown Indianapolis, Indiana University – Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) is a vibrant higher learning institution, enrolling a diverse student body that includes more than 16,000 undergraduates.

    At IUPUI, Math faculty have long trusted and adopted MyLab Math from Pearson, a dynamic platform that’s driving improved performance and high satisfaction for students and faculty alike. It’s described as an integral part of the math curriculum, purpose-built to effectively adapt to individual students and their unique learning needs.

    The adoption and success of MyLab Math at IUPUI goes hand in hand with Pearson’s commitment to going above and beyond as a dedicated partner every step of the way.

  • Group of individuals sitting around a conference table discussing content on a digital tablet.

    Voices of Innovation: A Q&A Series on Generative AI – Part 6

    By Pearson Voices of Innovation Series

    Using technology to improve teaching and learning is in Pearson’s DNA. As the first major higher education publisher to integrate generative AI study tools into its proprietary academic content, Pearson is excited to be harnessing the power of AI to drive transformative outcomes for learners. We are focused on creating tools that combine the power of AI with trusted Pearson content to provide students with a simplified study experience that delivers on-demand, personalized support, whenever and wherever they need it.

    In this multi-part blog series, you’ll have a chance to hear about AI innovations from Pearson team members, faculty, and students who have been involved with the development and rollout of Pearson’s AI-powered study tools.

  • Closeup of a row of students, listening to a ninstructor, while writing down information

    A Quantum Leap toward success: An instructor spotlight on Amy Pope

    By Kristin Marang

    Amy Pope is an award-winning senior lecturer in physics and astronomy at Clemson University. A Clemson alumna herself, Amy has her bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees in physics, and has devoted the last 22 years to teaching physics at her alma mater.

    Clemson has “a large focus on teaching and making sure that students have the number one engagement experience in their classes,” Amy explains. Which is part of what makes Clemson stand out, in addition to being a “fun, close-knit community.”

    Amy shares Clemson’s commitment to delivering engaging learning experiences, while also making learning affordable. As Amy describes it, “excessive cost is certainly a barrier to student success.” With that in mind, it’s a priority for Amy to use an affordable, effective learning platform, tied to a physics textbook she can trust.