Explore The Big Picture
Forces shaping the future of humanity
Mario van Rijn, met medewerking van René van der Burgt
16-11-2021 | 360 pagina's
Boek + MyLab | MyLab (incl. eText) | E-book | |
ISBN | 9789043040150 | 9789043040167 | 9789043040174 |
Soort | Paperback + Online | Online | Online |
Prijs | € 41,95 (incl. btw) | € 31,50 (incl. btw) | € 31,50 (incl. btw) |
Toegangsduur | 2 jaar | 2 jaar | Onbeperkt |
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Explore The Big Picture is an essential compilation of the serious issues, problems and challenges all of us living on the planet face. Everybody should read this to understand better what is going on around us.
André Kuipers; astronaut European Space Agency
Explore The Big Picture does what it says, it paints a picture of our world in an accessible and approachable way. Major topics covered, such as sustainability, technology and societal relationships are richly illustrated, and thought has been given to the interrelatedness of each subject. The book provides many interesting glimpses into underlying patterns and connections, challenging readers to add their own insights. My hope is that this book will grow into a knowledge platform where the wisdom and insights of humanity contribute to understanding The Big Picture even further and in more depth.
Prof. dr. Marc Vermeulen; professor Public Strategy, Innovation and Governance (Full Professor)
TIAS, School for Business and Society and Tilburg University
Most of us struggle to understand the complexity and interdependency of our rapidly changing world. In the daily news, we witness geopolitical dynamics, new emerging technologies, human tragedies and the impact of our changing climate. Meanwhile, we find it hard to connect the dots helping to do something about it. Explore The Big Picture brings light to this darkness. It very comprehensively helps us to understand the drivers of change and their root causes with astonishing clarity. And through that understanding it allows us to make the right choices for our future and the future of our children. It helps us to "think big, act small, and start somewhere”.
General Tom Middendorp; former Chief of Defence of the Netherlands & Chairman International Military Council on Climate and Security
"A butterfly flapping it's wings in Brazil can produce a tornado in Texas." Thanks to Edward Lorenz's discovery of the butterfly effect over 60 years ago, we know that small changes can, in fact, lead to much bigger changes. Sometimes this can result in dangerous situations, for example, COVID-19. But the opposite is also true, the butterfly effect can also change the world for the better, and a single person can set it off. We know that in this chaotic world we live in, everything is connected. Capturing this all in one book seems an impossible task, yet Explore The Big Picture does exactly that. In a world of increasing specialism, this book, which broadly covers all fields of science, is an Olympic achievement. It convinces the reader that we can achieve more, both individually and together. If you care about the future of humanity, you can't ignore this book.
Paul Rüpp; former Chairman & President - Avans University for Applied Sciences
Explore The Big Picture is a comprehensive read that tackles the most pressing challenges and opportunities of our time. Topics are presented in an interconnected manner and are put forward with such urgency that the reader is forced to challenge their own beliefs and values. Bringing together cutting-edge research and multiple perspectives, this work is an invaluable tool for everyone supporting the implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Explore The Big Picture leaves us in little doubt of the need for rapid change in order to secure the brightest and most sustainable future for generations to come.
Prof. dr. Jan Peter Balkenende; former Prime Minister of The Netherlands & Chairman Dutch Sustainable Growth Coalition
Holding governments and companies accountable for their actions is necessary in order to ensure that pressing global challenges such as climate change or inequality move up the political agenda. The other tool we have at our disposal is our collective leadership that globally can help move us forward in a way that is both inspiring and change inducing. Explore The Big Picture supports this cause. With great clarity and detail, this book takes the reader on a journey, not only exploring the multiple forces that are changing our world but connecting the dots between them. This is a must-read for anyone who wants to play an active role in positively shaping the future of humanity.
Marjan Minnesma; director and founder of the Urgenda Foundation