Section I: The Control Function of Management
- Chapter 1: Management and Control
Section II: Management Control Alternatives and Their Effects
- Chapter 2: Result Controls
- Chapter 3: Action, Personnel and Cultural Controls
- Chapter 4: Control System Tightness
- Chapter 5: Control System Costs
- Chapter 6: Designing and Evaluating Management Control Systems
Section III: Financial Result Control Systems
- Chapter 7: Financial Responsibility Centers
- Chapter 8: Planning and Budgeting
- Chapter 9: Incentive Systems
Section IV: Performance Measurement Issues and Their Effects
- Chapter 10: Financial Performance Measures and Their Effects
- Chapter 11: Remedies to the Myopia Problem
- Chapter 12: Using Financial Result Controls in the Presence of Uncontrollable Factors
Section V: Objectives Beyond Profit Maximization
- Chapter 13: Management Control Implications Stemming from the Broader Goal of Stakeholder Welfare Maximization
- Chapter 14: Management Control in Not-for-profit Organizations
Section VI: Corporate Governance, Important Control-Related Roles, and Ethics
- Chapter 15: Corporate Governance and Boards of Directors
- Chapter 16: Controllers and Auditors
- Chapter 17: Management Control-Related Ethical Issues
- Index