The latest data and research help prepare students for their field
· NEW - A new chapter on data analytics (chapter 11) looks at recent trends in big data and data analytics in predicting costs and making demand forecasts.
· UPDATED - An emphasis on global issues reflects today’s increasingly global business environment.
· UPDATED - A focus on merchandising and service sectors (vs. traditional manufacturing settings) highlights shifts in US and world economies.
· UPDATED - An emphasis on sustainability illustrates one of the critical managerial challenges of the coming decades.
· UPDATED - More focus on the role of accounting concepts and systems examines how to foster and support innovation and entrepreneurial activities in firms.
· UPDATED - An emphasis on the healthcare industry gives students an idea of financial reporting related to hospitals, medical practices, and more.
A solid presentation of concepts and an emphasis on strategy boost students’ understanding of cost accounting
· New - Numbered Chapter Sections, with Check Your Understanding questions, provide a means to review fundamental concepts.
· New - Analytics in Practice describes real applications in business.
· Learning Objectives help students guide their learning efforts.
· Key terms and their definitions assist students as they review the chapter and study for exams.
· Updated - End-of-Chapter Problems and Exercises help reinforce the material covered throughout the chapter and have been revised for added clarity.
· Integrated Cases encourage students to think independently and apply the tools at a higher level of learning.
· New - Appendix in Chapter 1 reviews basic Excel skills, and is used throughout the book.
Updated material ensures students are well versed in the latest business analytics principles and techniques
· UPDATED - Strong emphasis on the managerial uses of cost information, an excellent balance in integrating modern topics with traditional coverage, an emphasis on human behavior aspects, and the extensive use of real-world examples (now updated with info on data analytics) give students a clear picture of accounting.
· The excellent quantity, quality, and range of assignment materials and the ability to teach chapters in different sequences ensures this text suits various approaches to teaching and learning.
· Strategy maps are presented as a useful tool to implement the balanced scorecard and a simplified presentation of how income statements of companies can be analyzed from the strategic perspective of product differentiation or cost leadership.
· The incorporation of strategy into the material shows students the part this important topic plays in the design of activity-based costing systems, in the preparation of budgets, and in decision-making in general.
Student-focused features facilitate learning
· UPDATED - Try It exercises, located after a particular concept or calculation, invite students to practice what they’ve just learned.
· Becker multiple-choice questions in the assignment material probe students’ knowledge of the chapter material and their ability to think critically about key concepts.
· UPDATED - Chapter-opening Cases get students engaged in a business situation or dilemma, by focusing on real company situations and illustrating why and how the concepts in the chapter are relevant in business.
· UPDATED - Concepts in Action boxes cover real-world cost accounting issues across a variety of industries including automobile racing, defense contracting, entertainment, manufacturing, and retailing.
· NEW and UPDATED - End-of-chapter content contains new and revised problems to help students learn and practice chapter concepts. Problems have been updated with data analytics examples.
· A streamlined presentation of various topics makes it as easy as possible for students to learn the concepts, tools, and frameworks introduced in the chapters.
MyLab™ Accounting is not included. Students, if MyLab Accounting is a recommended/mandatory component of the course, please ask your instructor for the correct ISBN. MyLab Accounting should only be purchased when required by an instructor. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information.
· Teach your course your way Your course is unique. So whether you’d like to build your own assignments, teach multiple sections, or set prerequisites, MyLab gives you the flexibility to easily create your course to fit your needs.
· Empower each learner Each student learns at a different pace. Personalized learning pinpoints the precise areas where each student needs practice, giving all students the support they need, when and where they need it, to be successful.
· Deliver trusted content You deserve teaching materials that meet your own high standards for your course. That’s why we partner with highly respected authors to develop interactive content and course-specific resources that you can trust -- and that keep your students engaged.
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New to this Edition
The latest data and research helps prepare students for their field
· An emphasis on global issues reflects today’s increasingly global business environment.
· A focus on merchandising and service sectors (vs. traditional manufacturing settings) highlights shifts in US and world economies.
· An emphasis on sustainability illustrates one of the critical managerial challenges of the coming decades.
· More focus on the role of accounting concepts and systems examines how to foster and support innovation and entrepreneurial activities in firms.
· A new chapter on data analytics (chapter 11) looks at recent trends in big data and data analytics in predicting costs and making demand forecasts.
· An emphasis on the healthcare industry gives students an idea of financial reporting related to hospitals, medical practices, and more.
A solid presentation of concepts and an emphasis on strategy boost students’ understanding of cost accounting
· Strong emphasis on the managerial uses of cost information, an excellent balance in integrating modern topics with traditional coverage, an emphasis on human behavior aspects, and the extensive use of real-world examples (now updated with info on data analytics) give students a clear picture of accounting.
Student-focused features facilitate learning
· Try It exercises, located after a particular concept or calculation, invite students to practice what they’ve just learned.
· Chapter-opening Cases get students engaged in a business situation or dilemma, by focusing on real company situations and illustrating why and how the concepts in the chapter are relevant in business.
· Concepts in Action boxes cover real-world cost accounting issues across a variety of industries including automobile racing, defense contracting, entertainment, manufacturing, and retailing.
· End-of-chapter content contains new and revised problems to help students learn and practice chapter concepts. Problems have been updated with data analytics examples.