

通過 Versant by Pearson 測試招募和培養最優秀的人才


  • 每年發佈數以百萬計的測試
  • 提供基於 AI 的語言測試超過 25 年
  • 受到全球 1,200 多家企業、政府和大學的信賴
Level Test 封面

企業選擇 Versant 的理由

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我們的 AI 技術準確評估語言能力,不含任何偏見

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24/7 全天候在網站、行動裝置或桌面裝置上使用

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「自從 Versant [by Pearson] 與我們的內部英語訓練計劃整合以來,測驗成績已被用來為我們所有海外代表設定標準。Versant [by Pearson] 使我們能夠認識到員工的實際口語能力,這是紙本測試無法做到的。」
Deputy Manager, Human Resources Department Nikkei


的客戶表示 Versant by Pearson 測試有助於縮短招聘時間*


的客戶表示,通過 Versant by Pearson 測試 進行招聘可以顯著或實質性地改善與客戶的溝通*

Versant by Pearson English Test






Versant by Pearson offers advanced language testing, backed by 25 years of expertise in language assessment. It is an ideal solution for recruitment and learning and development, using cutting-edge AI technology to measure an individual's language proficiency, enabling efficient and precise identification of linguistic capabilities. Simplify your language assessment process and streamline your talent acquisition and employee development efforts. 

Versant by Pearson can be your trusted partner in making informed recruitment decisions. It provides you with accurate insights into a candidate's language ability, helping you select the best fit for your organization. For existing employees, it can help identify areas for improvement, supporting their career growth.

Absolutely. Versant by Pearson is designed to cater to diverse language learning levels and job functions. It can help assess language skills across various roles, ensuring everyone in your organization communicates effectively.

Versant by Pearson Tests scores are 100% AI-based. However, that doesn't mean that humans aren't involved in the process. Pearson's machine-learning technology is trained by expert graders to look for the same traits as they do when assessing language, meaning results offer high correlation with expert human examiners but without human biases or errors.

Every Versant by Pearson Test provides a detailed report on the candidate’s individual language skills, highlighting areas for improvement. These insights can guide your training initiatives, ensuring your learning and development programs are targeted and effective.

Versant by Pearson offers comprehensive reports, providing deep insights into language skills. This data can inform your workforce planning strategy, helping you make decisions that empower your team and drive business success.

Yes, Versant by Pearson supports integration with various systems, making it easy to incorporate into your existing HR or learning and development platforms.

You won't believe how quick it is. Versant by Pearson provides test results almost instantly. As soon as a test is completed, the system evaluates the responses and generates a detailed report. So, you're not left waiting around for results – you can make informed decisions swiftly and efficiently.

*2023 年培生對 34位 Versant by Pearson測試客戶進行的全球客戶調查。