
50%的學習者表示沒有足夠的機會在課堂外使用英語 ,46%的學習者認為在課堂上沒有足夠的計劃練習英文口語 。

"The Global Scale of English is the most useful tool available for teachers in the market. We encourage every single teacher to use it."
Macarena Sanzano, Coordinator of the English for Work Program, Ministry of Education, GCBA

"Teacher education must rethink the way it prepares future teachers. Unless teacher training focuses more on the skills needed for real-world communication, the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application is likely to persist, leaving today's learners and tomorrow's workers frustrated with knowing the rules but being unable to use them when they need to communicate."
Belgin Elmas, Head of the English Language Teaching Department, TED University
*PSB Insights 和 Pearson 於 2023 年 10 月對全球 5,000 名 英語 作為第二語言或附加語言的使用者進行的調查。如需瞭解完整詳情,請查看《全球研究 Overview 報告》。