6 more strange English phrases explained

Steffanie Zazulak
Man and a woman stood together smiling

In a previous blog, we shared some strange English phrases that might have left you with some questions. The English language is full of peculiar phrases that can even confuse fluent speakers. In today's post, we'll take a look at a few more such phrases to help you expand your repertoire.

Strange English phrases explained


Cat got your tongue?

This phrase is used when someone has nothing to say. Attempts to get to the bottom of this phrase have left many speechless (sorry, we couldn’t resist). One tale states that, in the times of witch-hunting, a witch – or her cat – would steal a person’s tongue to prevent them from telling others about the witch. However, this is only a tale and there are many other guesses where this phrase came from. Others have suggested that ancient kings would punish those who displeased them by cutting out their tongues and feeding them to their pet cats.

Use it: “You’re very quiet – cat got your tongue?”

Don’t cut your nose off to spite your face

It is used to warn someone against a needless action (often motivated by anger or greed) that will be self-destructive. For example, if someone plots revenge but the act ultimately results in more harm to the individual than to the focus of their anger. Legend has it that this phrase originates from when pious women would disfigure themselves in order to protect their chastity. The most famous of these was Saint Ebba, the Mother Superior of the monastery of Coldingham. In 867 Viking pirates landed in Scotland, and when this news reached Ebba, she urged her nuns to cut off their noses and upper lips so they would be unappealing to the Vikings. 

Use it: “I’m angry that my colleague was promoted before me, so I might just quit.” – “But you like your job and you need the money. If you react like that you’re just cutting your nose off to spite your face.”

Barking up the wrong tree

This is used when someone is pursuing a mistaken or misguided line of thought or course of action. Very simply, it alludes to the mistake made by dogs when they believe they have chased their prey up a tree, but it has actually escaped by leaping from one tree to another.

Use it: “If you think I want to get up at 5am tomorrow to go fishing with you, you’re barking up the wrong tree!”

The early bird catches the worm

This describes how a person who takes the earliest opportunity to do something will gain an advantage over others. This is first recorded in John Ray’s A Collection of English Proverbs 1670, 1678: “The early bird catcheth the worm.”

Clearly, the title of the work indicates that this was considered proverbial even in the 17th century, and it recognizes that the first bird to spot a worm will likely grab it first.

Use it: “The sale starts tomorrow and the store opens at 8am. Arrive early to get the pick of the best stuff – the early bird catches the worm.”

Close, but no cigar

The phrase is often used to describe a good attempt at something that is almost – but not – successful. It is said that this saying is of American origin – along with its variant “nice try, but no cigar” – where fairground stalls used to give out cigars as prizes. It appeared in The Lima News in November 1949 in a report about how the Lima House Cigar and Sporting Goods Store narrowly avoided being burnt down in a fire. The title of the article was: “Close But No Cigar.”

Use it: “Actually, my name is June, not Jane – close, but no cigar.”

To add insult to injury

This means to make a bad situation worse. The origin of this phrase is debatable, but one theory is that it derives from the fables of Phaedrus from the first century AD. The story was of a bald man who swats at a fly that has landed on his head and bitten him. Instead, he hits himself on the head and the fly says: “You wished to avenge an insect’s sting with death; what will you do to yourself, who have added insult to injury?”

Use it: “I went for a job interview, but they told me I was too old for the job. To add insult to injury, my car broke down on the way home – what a bad day!”

These are just a few commonly used English phrases, so next time you hear them, you'll know exactly what they mean and their origin. You also might be able to potentially impress your friends with this knowledge. 

Curious about more phrases and slang? Make sure to check out 9 slang terms from across the UK.

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    For language teachers, the idea is to combine vocabulary and grammar structures with a slowly widening view of our world. Simply by introducing the concept that we are part of a worldwide community can take the children out of their own experiences and help them start to consider others.

    Tips and activities

    Social media makes it possible for teachers to contact each other across borders and to collaborate between their schools. Something simple, like organizing a class video call for students after lunchtime and encouraging students in different countries to discuss what they ate in English, can help learners become more globally aware.