5 quick and easy ESL games for teaching young learners

Pearson Languages
Children running outside together with balloons

Can we play a game? How many times have you been asked this in class? And how often do you say Yes? Young learners love to play games, and if you choose the right ones, they can have a hugely beneficial impact on their learning.

As well as being fun, games can provide learners with necessary language practice, as well as lowering the affective filter (i.e. anxiety, fear, boredom and other negative emotions that can all impact learning). Games also foster a positive, relaxed environment.

So are you ready to play? Here are a few tried and tested games that work especially well in the primary classroom. Each game is designed to consolidate and review the language students have been learning, and take from 5 to 15 minutes. The primary games are flexible enough for you to adapt them to different learner levels, age groups and skills.



1. Keep it!

Card games are easy to prepare and can be used to practice anything - vocabulary, grammar, speaking skills, and so on. Single words, phrases, pictures or questions on cards can prompt students to use new language without realizing it as they are focused on the game itself.

For this card game you will need a set of cards with questions.

Download the game's teaching notes here

2. Hot Potato

In this game, students pass around a “hot potato” and answer questions. All you need is a ball (a ball of paper will suffice) and a set of questions or definitions.

Download the game's teaching notes here

3. Roll and Play

Combine all your traditional classroom games into one with this team game to review vocabulary. Students roll the dice to find out what they need to do to help their team members guess the word.

Download the game's teaching notes here

4. Basketball Quiz

A quiz-style game played as a whole class in two teams, this game requires students to work together to answer questions and score points. You only need a whiteboard to play.

Download the game's teaching notes here

5. Board Race

This popular team game can be used to practice spelling, vocabulary and grammar, depending on the level of your students. All you need is a whiteboard, pens and a timer.

Download the game's teaching notes here

Use these games to help liven up the classroom. Feel free to change and alter the rules accordingly to fit with your learners' needs and requirements. Remember that it's important for your young learners to also have fun to ensure they have a positive learning experience and look forward to coming into the classroom. 

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