Business English idioms: Understanding corporate lingo

Pearson Languages
Buisness people in a workplace stood around a table laughing

When it comes to business, communication is key. Knowing how to use business English idioms can really help you express yourself, make connections and achieve success. These colorful expressions add depth and nuance to our conversations, making it easier to communicate confidently and effectively. 

Today, we explore several commonly used idioms you might come across when using English in the workplace, providing examples of how they can be used and shedding light on their meanings.

Ballpark figure

A ballpark figure means an estimate or rough guess of a quantity or value. It's a handy way to give a general idea or range without getting too into the details. This can be really helpful during negotiations or planning when you don't need exact numbers. Ballpark figures give you a sense of the bigger picture without bogging you down with specifics. 

In the red 

If someone says they are "in the red", it means they are having a tough time financially and are experiencing losses or negative cash flow. This happens when expenses are more than the money coming in, resulting in a negative balance or deficit. The term originated from using red ink in financial records to indicate negative numbers.

Blue-sky thinking

A way to describe a really creative and outside-the-box approach to problem-solving or brainstorming. Basically thinking or brainstorming without any boundaries or limits. A manager might encourage a team to do some blue-sky thinking, allowing them to come up with some very imaginative ideas and concepts. 

Square the circle

An idiom for attempting an impossible task, originating from a math problem where you can't create a square with the same area as a circle using just a compass and straight edge. Someone may say trying to reach a solution all clients were happy with was like trying to square the circle, implying that it was a difficult and almost impossible task.

Don't put all your eggs into one basket

This saying suggests that relying on just one strategy or investment is not wise. It emphasizes the importance of diversification and spreading risks for long-term success. To achieve sustained success, a financial advisor may suggest to their client to diversify their investment portfolio and not solely rely on one option.

Make ends meet

The meaning of making ends meet involves being able to complete a task or project using the existing income or resources. It requires efficient management of finances to cover necessary expenses, despite having a limited budget or resources. For instance, if someone is working on a project with a restricted budget, they may need to make ends meet as they cannot obtain additional funds to support it.

Cover all bases

This means considering every possible factor and handling them carefully to prevent problems or risks. Making sure everything is examined, and anticipating any potential challenges or situations. A business doing a report or analysis may want to "cover all the bases" to prevent any surprise issues or gaps.

The origin of this is likely a reference to baseball. When playing defense, the goal is to protect or 'cover' your bases and stop the other team from getting points.

Get down to brass tacks

To solve a problem or task, by focusing on the important details and practical steps needed for success. Avoiding unnecessary distractions and concentrating on what's essential. For instance, a project manager might say, "Let's focus on the necessary steps we need to take to complete this project on time by getting down to brass tacks."

Playing hardball

"Playing hardball" means being tough and unwavering during negotiations or business deals. It shows that someone is assertive and firm in defending their interests. If the other party is unyielding, a skilled negotiator may suggest "playing hardball" to get a better deal.

These are just a few of a long list, but by adopting idioms and English phrases like these into your professional interactions, you can strengthen relationships with colleagues and showcase your understanding of the business environment more clearly. Plus, it can give you a boost of confidence in your language learning and in navigating the complex world of corporate English.

If you want to refine your business English skills even further, make sure to check out our blog post 5 ways to politely say no in Business English. You can also check out Mondly, an app developed to help you learn languages for various realistic scenarios. 

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