Boosting employee retention: Benefits of language learning in the workplace

Claire Chettiar
Coworkers sat at a desk with their laptops, smiling and talking to eachother

In the era of the Great Resignation, there are lots of factors that influence whether or not someone chooses to stay with their company or decides to accept a job offer from a new employer.

Whilst fair pay remains a constant in this, feeling included, valued, and cared about by colleagues plays a significant role in the decision on whether to stay or go.


The power of language learning in the workplace



In the Global Workforce Hopes and Fears Survey (2022), international consultancy firm PwC identified the top five predictors for employee turnover as:

  • Not finding their job to be fulfilling
  • Not being able to be their true self at work
  • Not being fairly rewarded financially
  • Not having a team that cares about them
  • Not being listened to by their manager.

It is clear from this that communication, empathy and listening skills are all critical in both attracting and retaining employees.

There are many ways in which companies can address these points, including embracing language learning for employees at all levels in their organization.

Language learning development can have an impact on three key areas, each of which speak to the important points that employees look for that PwC identified.

Effective communication

Language barriers can hinder effective communication and collaboration among team members. By investing in language learning programs, organizations can bridge these gaps and facilitate sharing ideas, exchanging knowledge, and building stronger relationships.

Listening skills to understand all points of view

One of the most important language skills is listening. Even if you are a native speaker in the language of your company, there is often a lot to learn and practice to get it right, but it has one of the most significant impacts on employees who want to be heard by their manager and understood by their teams.

Cultural awareness

As employees learn new languages, they gain firsthand experience of different cultures, breaking down stereotypes and dispelling misconceptions. This exposure to diverse languages and cultures encourages individuals to view their colleagues beyond their cultural backgrounds, fostering an environment that is open, inclusive, and free from prejudice.

Collectively, strong language skills allow all employees to express their true selves at work, whilst being respected and listened to in an inclusive environment.

Not only does this create a culture in which teams are more connected and effective in what they need to deliver, but it fosters an environment where employees feel valued and want to stay.

Building in opportunities to develop language skills as part of employees' development plans, whether through formal courses or informal self-paced learning, will deliver significant value not just to the individual but to the organization as a whole.

Read more in our post 'Ways to boost employee retention with language learning'.

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