Student Direct Stream: A quick, easy, pathway to study in Canada

Assia Hamdane
A man and woman miling to eachother outside, with a tram in the background

Thinking of studying abroad? Trying to find the best way to study in Canada? There are so many options/pathways that it can feel overwhelming and complicated.

Thankfully, there is a simple and efficient way, called the Student Direct Stream (SDS). It is well-known that studying in Canada is a popular option among overseas students.

The latest figures from Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) for 2022 show that Canada has achieved an all-time high in terms of the number of international students. By the end of October 2022, they had processed over 750,300 study permit applications.


Student Direct Stream: A quick, easy, pathway to study in Canada


What is SDS?

SDS was introduced by the Canadian Government to help students from eligible countries get their study permits quickly.

Since its introduction, it has been a popular pathway for students looking to follow their dreams of living in Canada to study. This is because it has a streamlined application process, which requires less documentation and boasts a success rate of 70%.

How fast can I get a study visa/permit?

If you meet the criteria, you can use this express study permit processing route, which can be quick as 20 days.

We are proud to announce that the Canadian Government (IRCC) now accepts our top-rated English proficiency test, PTE Academic, for SDS applications. Results are delivered in only two days, making the process of applying to study abroad in Canada even faster.

Did you know that PTE Academic is accepted by 91% of universities and over 60% of colleges in Canada? Whether you're applying for the SDS or Non-SDS route, PTE Academic is the perfect test for you.

You don’t have to just take our word for it, try our free English taster test and see how you get on.

Eligibility for the SDS program

Criteria for SDS

To apply for a study permit through SDS, you must submit your application online and meet certain requirements. You must be migrating to study from one of these countries.

What you need to qualify:

  • An acceptance letter from a post-secondary designated learning institution (DLI)
  • Your tuition fee paid for your first year of study
  • A Guaranteed Investment Certificate (GIC) of CAD 10,000
  • A minimum score of 60 in PTE Academic

What do I need to submit if I’m eligible?

If you meet all the above criteria, then you will need to submit the following for your online application:

  • Letter of acceptance from a DLI
  • Proof of Guaranteed Investment Certificate (GIC) payment (certificate/letter of attestation)
  • PTE Score Report
  • Proof of payment of tuition fee for your first year of study
  • Relevant academic background with complete academic documents
  • Copy of your medical examination from an authorized panel of doctors
  • The additional requirement of CAQ for students intending to study in Quebec

The SDS is an excellent option for those looking for a speedy and easy way to learn in Canada. With streamlined application processes, high success rates, and the acceptance of PTE Academic, it's a brilliant pathway to consider.

If you want to learn more about PTE Academic and sign up for our updates about SDS, you can visit the PTE website.

For further information about the SDS program, you can visit the IRCC website.

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