Learning objectives(学習目標)
学習者のリーディング、ライティング、リスニング、スピーキングの4つのスキルそれぞれに的を絞った詳細な学習目標(Learning objectives)が得られます。
GSE 学習目標の概要。新しいウィンドウで開きます。
Pre-primary learners
Pre-primary learners
Young learners (6-14 years)
GSE 若い学習者(6〜14歳)向けの学習目標。新しいウィンドウで開きます。
Young learners (6-14 years)
Adult learners (Academic English)
GSE 大人の学習目標(アカデミック 英語)新しいウィンドウで開きます。
Adult learners (Academic English)
Adult learners (General English)
GSE 大人のための学習目標 (一般英語) .新しいウィンドウで開きます。
Adult learners (General English)
Professional English (Business/Vocational English)
GSE 学習目標-専門 英語 (ビジネス/職業 英語)。新しいウィンドウで開きます。
Professional English (Business/Vocational English)
Global Scale of Languages
Open Global Scale of Languages:学習目標
Global Scale of Languages
The GSE Toolkit
The GSE Toolkit
The GSE Toolkit
GSE Score Converter
GSE Score Converter
A quick guide to the teacher toolkit
A quick guide to the teacher toolkit
Classroom materials
Young learners (6-14) assessment framework
Young learners (6-14) assessment framework
Adult assessment framework
大学・一般学習者向け 評価フレームワーク。新しいウィンドウで開きます。
Adult assessment framework
Adult grammar guide
大学・一般学習者向け 文法ガイド。新しいウィンドウで開きます。
Adult grammar guide
GSE vs CEFR comparison chart
GSE 対 CEFR の比較チャート。新しいウィンドウで開きます。
GSE vs CEFR comparison chart
Research and reports
GSE: Reflections on 10 years of innovation
Link to GSE: Reflections on 10 years of innovation PDF
GSE: Reflections on 10 years of innovation
2020 Concordance report: PTE Academic and IELTS Academic
Link to the 2020 Concordance report: PTE Academic and IELTS Academic
2020 Concordance report: PTE Academic and IELTS Academic
Report Summary: Developing the GSE Job Profiles
Link to Report Summary: Developing the GSE Job Profiles
Report Summary: Developing the GSE Job Profiles
Developing GSE Job Profiles Part 1: Conducting and validating learning objective mapping for job roles
Link to report on Developing GSE Job Profiles Part 1: Conducting and validating learning objective mapping for job roles
Developing GSE Job Profiles Part 1: Conducting and validating learning objective mapping for job roles
Developing GSE Job Profiles Part 2: Creating and validating a model of language proficiency for job roles
Link ot report Developing GSE Job Profiles Part 2: Creating and validating a model of language proficiency for job roles
Developing GSE Job Profiles Part 2: Creating and validating a model of language proficiency for job roles
Aligning the 2025 PISA framework and the GSE
Link to Aligning the 2025 PISA framework and the GSE
Aligning the 2025 PISA framework and the GSE
Developing the GSE vocabulary for young learners
Link to Developing the GSE vocabulary for young learners
Developing the GSE vocabulary for young learners
Developing GSE grammar: Intermediate report
Link to Developing GSE grammar: Intermediate report
Developing GSE grammar: Intermediate report
Matura GSE alignment summary report
Link to Matura GSE alignment summary report
Matura GSE alignment summary report
How long does it take to learn a language?
Link to How long does it take to learn a language? file
How long does it take to learn a language?
On raising standards with a single global framework
Link to On raising standards with a single global framework file
On raising standards with a single global framework
Developing the GSE vocabulary
Link to Developing the GSE vocabulary file
Developing the GSE vocabulary
Technical report: Aligning CEFR-J descriptors to the GSE
Link to Technical report: Aligning CEFR-J descriptors to the GSE
Technical report: Aligning CEFR-J descriptors to the GSE
Developing Global Scale of English learning objectives aligned to the Common European Framework
Link to Developing Global Scale of English learning objectives aligned to the Common European Framework file
Developing Global Scale of English learning objectives aligned to the Common European Framework
Curriculum auditing and program development: Using the Global Scale of English to review and develop English Language programs
Link to Curriculum auditing and program development: Using the Global Scale of English to review and develop English Language programs
Curriculum auditing and program development: Using the Global Scale of English to review and develop English Language programs
Technical report: Aligning EIKEN descriptors to GSE
Link to Technical report: Aligning EIKEN descriptors to GSE
Technical report: Aligning EIKEN descriptors to GSE
Standards alignment
Alignment of the WIDA English Language Development standards to the GSE
Download WIDA mapping booklets zipped files, opens in a new window
Alignment of the WIDA English Language Development standards to the GSE
Alignment of the Canadian Language Benchmarks to the GSE
Canadian Language Benchmarks mapping to the GSE, Opens in a new window.
Alignment of the Canadian Language Benchmarks to the GSE