Boosting your learners' English language speaking skills

Pearson Languages
A teacher stoof over computers that students are sat at
Reading time: 4 minutes

Teaching a language goes beyond imparting the rules of grammar and vocabulary. It's about unlocking the confidence in students to use that language in real-life conversations. Confidence in speaking is the bridge that connects classroom learning with the world outside.

In the era where digital solutions can complement traditional teaching methods, Mondly by Pearson can play a pivotal role in boosting learners' speaking confidence.

Why is it important to build students confidence?

Before we explore Mondly by Pearson's strengths, it's crucial to understand why speaking confidence matters. Communication is the heart of language, and confident speakers are more likely to use their language skills actively. They're more open to participating in conversations, which reinforces their learning and fosters better retention of the new language used.

Research has shown that 52% of English Learners leave their formal education without confidence in their speaking skills. Mondly by Pearson is your ultimate solution in tackling this challenge head-on, with 500+ minutes of English-speaking practice to build your learners' skills and confidence.

What causes a lack of confidence in speaking English?

There are a multitude of factors that contribute to a lack of confidence in speaking the English language well or any language for that matter. Some English learners feel self-conscious when their accent doesn't match what they perceive as the standard or desired accent.

Additionally, a lack of practice opportunities or speaking practice, especially in a supportive and constructive environment, can hinder students from becoming comfortable and fluent speakers. Understanding these challenges is the first step in overcoming them, allowing educators to tailor their teaching strategies to address these specific concerns and build a more inclusive and encouraging learning atmosphere.

What is Mondly by Pearson?

Mondly by Pearson is an English language learning application aligned to the Global Scale of English. With Pearson pedagogy at its core, Mondly by Pearson offers over 500 minutes of speaking practice. Immersive AI-powered conversations, advanced speech recognition and engaging role plays, accelerate learning and build confidence.

Image of  phones showing the mondly by pearson app

Promoting speaking skills with Mondly by Pearson

To promote speaking confidence through Mondly by Pearson, put 500+ minutes of speaking practice in your learners' pockets. Here's how:

1. Realistic AI conversation partner

Mondly by Pearson allows learners to immerse themselves in AI-powered conversations to practice their English speaking. This provides a comfortable setting for learners to practice speaking and build confidence whether in or outside of the classroom.  

2. Pronunciation-enhancing technology

With advanced speech recognition, Mondly by Pearson helps learners improve their pronunciation. Whether using the AI conversation partner or hands-free chatbot, encourage your students to repeat phrases and receive instant feedback, which is crucial for honing their pronunciation and speaking abilities.

3. Accessibility and flexibility

Mondly by Pearson's digital platform is accessible anytime, anywhere, with over 1,000 bite-sized English lessons. This flexibility allows students to practice all four language skills at their own pace, which is essential for building confidence.

4. Cultural immersion

Language isn't just about words; it's also about the culture it represents. Mondly by Pearson exposes students to cultural nuances, helping them become more comfortable listening and confident when speaking to different people.

Where to start

Begin by exploring the benefits of Mondly by Pearson with your students. Illustrate the connection between the digital learning experiences they love and the language skills they need. Remember, confidence in speaking forms the foundation for all aspects of language learning, and Mondly by Pearson is an instrument that can help lay this groundwork. 

Why Mondly by Pearson?

Mondly by Pearson is your trusted classroom companion. Complement your teaching with lessons aligned with the Global Scale of English. So, you can be sure your learners will be practicing what you've been teaching them - in or outside of the classroom.

At-a-glance dashboards with downloadable reports, allow you to monitor learners' progress in real-time.

With Mondly by Pearson, your learners can practice their English anytime, anywhere, once they've downloaded the app. The app comes with perks such as instant feedback, leaderboards and daily reminders, ensuring that your learners remain motivated and engaged.

What sets it apart is our focus on providing an immersive learning experience. With over 100 AI-powered conversations and advanced speech recognition capabilities, students get to role-play and practice their speaking skills in a safe and engaging environment.

Don't just take our word for it. Request a demo and try it for yourself.

Accelerate your learners' progress with our ​comprehensive language solution​

Discover Pearson Connected English Learning Programs, a comprehensive language solution that includes:
Engaging courseware, confidence-building assessment and certification to celebrate your learner's progress.

All are underpinned by the Global Scale of English, proven to fast-track progress. Pearson Connected English Learning Programs are now complemented by Mondly by Pearson, the perfect classroom companion app.

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    Understanding the balance of hard and soft skills

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    What are examples of soft skills?

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    Adaptability: The readiness to adjust to new conditions, workflows, or technologies, demonstrating flexibility in the face of change.

    Critical thinking: The process of objectively analyzing information to make informed decisions.

    Emotional intelligence: The ability to understand, manage and utilize one's emotions constructively while also recognizing and influencing the emotions of others.

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