Tips to help achieve your language learning resolutions

Pearson Languages
a group of friends smiling and looking at the one who is writing in a notepad

Reading time: 4 minutes

Welcome to the beginning of a new year, filled with countless possibilities and exciting opportunities for learning a new language. If you're like most people, you probably have some language learning resolutions and goals you'd like to achieve this year.

While setting these goals is easy, sticking to them can appear daunting. But don't worry, we’re here to help you not only set those goals but also achieve them like a pro. Below are some useful tips to help turn your language aspirations into reality this year and to keep you motivated towards your goals.

Tips to help acheive your language learning resolutions
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Have clear and specific goals

Having very broad goals can make it hard to track progress and stay motivated. Start by setting precise and achievable language learning goals. Instead of a vague "I want to learn Spanish," aim for something specific like "I want to hold a 10-minute conversation in Spanish by June". This way, you'll have a clear idea of what you're working towards and be able to track your progress more effectively.

Break it down

Large tasks can be intimidating; divide your goals into smaller, manageable tasks. For example, if you aim to learn 500 new words this year, break it down into a monthly or weekly target. By doing this, you can avoid feeling overwhelmed and make steady progress toward your ultimate objective. Breaking down large tasks into smaller ones can also help you identify any potential roadblocks or challenges that may arise along the way.

Keep it consistent

Consistency is key to building any habit or skill. Establish a study routine that fits your schedule. Whether it's dedicating 30 minutes every day or longer sessions a few times a week, find what works for you and stick to it. Creating an overly ambitious study routine can lead to burnout, and that could eventually cause you to lose interest and motivation. So it's crucial to pace yourself and keep your routine manageable.

Explore different resources

Explore different language learning resources that fit your learning style and keep your study sessions engaging. Experiment with language learning apps such as Mondly by Pearson or Anki to build your vocabulary. You can also use language exchange platforms like Tandem to practice speaking, watch YouTube channels and listen to podcasts to immerse yourself in the language.

Broaden horizons

It's important not to rely solely on textbooks while learning a new language. You can also enhance your language skills by watching movies, listening to music or podcasts, reading books, comics or articles, and following social media accounts in your target language. Even if you have the radio playing in the background while doing everyday tasks, it can help you immerse yourself in the language and improve your understanding.

Language companions and communities

Join language exchange groups or find a study partner. Engaging with others on the same journey can motivate and keep you accountable. There are groups on social media you can discover or free apps like HelloTalk to find like-minded language learners.

Keep track

Document your language learning journey by tracking milestones, word count and speaking progress. Reflect on progress to stay motivated.

It's important to track your progress to stay motivated and achieve your goals. This can involve keeping a record of milestones you reach, such as mastering a new grammatical concept or learning a certain number of vocabulary words. Tracking your word count can also be helpful, whether it's the number of new words you learn or the amount of time you spend practicing your language skills.

Reflecting on your progress can also help you identify areas you need to improve and adjust your learning strategy accordingly. Having a record of your learning can be a great motivator on days when your drive to learn is low or if you're considering quitting. You can look back and see how far you've come already.

Be kind to yourself

Learning a new language takes time, effort and patience. Accept mistakes as part of the process, stay positive and avoid being too hard on yourself.

Remember that everyone has good and bad days, and that obstacles are a normal part of the learning journey. Don't give up, keep pushing forward and you will see progress. You can achieve your language learning goals with dedication, practice and determination.

Treat yourself

Celebrate your achievements along the way. Treat yourself when you reach milestones to stay motivated and encouraged. It can help your brain associate learning with positive things.

Remember, celebrating your achievements doesn't have to be grand or costly. It can be as simple as treating yourself to something you enjoy, such as your favorite snack or drink. Alternatively, you could take some time to relax and unwind or even go for a walk outside and enjoy the fresh air. Whatever you enjoy doing.

Keep things flexible

Language learning isn't a one-size-fits-all process. What worked for your friend or classmate might not work for you. Be flexible with your approach. If a particular learning method isn't working for you, don't hesitate to switch it up. Learning is about finding what works best for you.

These don't have to be huge changes. It could be something as small as changing the presentation of your notes or even changing the color for it to be easier to read. Everyone is unique in what they work best with. 


With these tips in mind and a little hard work and perseverance, you can achieve your language learning goals and make sure to stay on track. So, are you ready to take your language skills to new heights in 2024?

If you need a little guidance or inspiration, make sure to check out our language learning blog throughout the year, as well as our language learning app Mondly by Pearson, to help keep you working on your language goals.

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