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    Understanding your PTE test scores and university entry requirements

    By Pearson Languages
    Reading time: 4 minutes

    So you've just received your PTE score and are looking at what to make of them and what universities you can apply to. Don't stress, we've got you covered.

    Whether you're an international student or already a professional looking to upskill, PTE is a crucial milestone on your academic and career journey.

    Understanding your PTE scores is vital for self-assessment and university admission requirements globally. Read on to find out how PTE academic scores impact university admissions when you're a test taker looking at studying abroad.

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    • English for work and migration
    • English language testing

    Picking the right PTE test: PTE Core vs PTE Academic

    By Pearson Languages

    Reading time: 3 minutes

    When preparing to prove your English proficiency—be it for studying abroad, immigration, or professional goals—selecting the right test is extremely important. PTE, renowned worldwide for its English language assessments, offers various tests catering to different needs, including PTE Core and PTE Academic.

    This blog post aims to clarify the differences between these two tests, helping you pick the test that aligns more with your aspirations.

    Understanding PTE Core and PTE Academic

    PTE is a world-leading provider of English language tests, trusted by universities, colleges, governments and professional bodies across the globe. Test scores are accepted in many countries, but which test you choose depends on where you want to go and your reasons why.

    What is PTE Core?

    PTE Core is the test you need to achieve your Canadian dream, approved for economic visa categories. But if you are looking to study in Canada, that is where PTE Academic comes in, approved for both SDS and non-SDS routes.

    PTE Core invites you to experience a test structure designed to assess your general English skills, as opposed to your Academic English, in a short, computer-based format. PTE Core evaluates all language skills—reading, writing, listening and speaking—in one seamless test.

    What is PTE Academic?

    PTE Academic is often the pathway to enrolment for students wanting to study at top universities. Specifically tailored for the academic environment, PTE Academic scores are widely recognized by institutions and are also accepted for visa purposes by the Australian, New Zealand, and UK Visas and Immigration Service. If your destination is higher education or a professional license abroad, PTE Academic is your way in.

    It's also praised for its ability to accurately reflect the speaking abilities of introverts, making it a considerate option for different personality types.

    Test features and acceptance

    When choosing the PTE test you need, consider the following features:

    Test format

    Both PTE Core and PTE Academic offer a computer-based test, which is excellent news for those who prefer not to have the extra stress of speaking to an examiner. Both tests are split up into three parts: Part 1: Speaking & Writing, Part 2: Reading, and Part 3: Listening.

    Speed of results

    With both tests, the results arrive rapidly—typically in just two business days—due to PTE's unique combination of AI scoring and human expertise that also strives to reduce bias.

    Global recognition

    An impressive list of institutions worldwide recognizes PTE Academic. Its scores are specifically sought after in the academic arena and by Australian, New Zealand, and UK visa authorities. Accepted by over 300 universities across the world, PTE Academic is the English test you need if you are looking to study overseas.

    It is also accepted by the Australian and New Zealand governments for migration visas, so it is the test of choice if that is your dream destination.

    PTE Core is recognized by the Canadian government (IRCC) for all economic visas and permanent residency applications.

    Preparation and support

    For those looking to prepare ahead of the test, be it PTE Academic or PTE Core, Pearson offers a range of supporting resources so you can put your best foot forward on test day.

    For PTE Academic, this includes five unique scored practice tests to give you a feel for the full test experience, what to expect, the type of questions that will be asked, and other unique resources.

    For PTE Core, there is a taster test you can try out your skills on, an online course, a handbook, and much more.

    Finding your best fit

    The choice between PTE Core and PTE Academic ultimately hinges on your future plans and destination country.

    To make an informed decision, check out PTE's useful links, which clarify destinations and requirements.

    How do I start studying for PTE?

    Embarking on the journey to master PTE begins with understanding your current level and building a solid study plan tailored to your needs. Arm yourself with our extensive resources, including practice tests and preparation books, to familiarize yourself with the question types and formats you'll encounter.

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    • English for work and migration
    • Language hints and tips

    Language learning tips for international students

    By Pearson Languages

    Reading time: 4 minutes

    Are you studying abroad (or soon to be), learning a new language and need some inspiration on ways to practice your language skills in the real world? Don't worry. It can be daunting to know how to begin, especially in an unfamiliar place, However, with a little bit of effort and following these useful tips, you will be able to improve your language skills and make the most of your study abroad experience.

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    • English for work and migration

    Internships: how they improve language skills

    By Pearson Languages

    Internships and work experience can help in numerous ways, improve someone's workplace skills, add extra value to a resume or even help a person realize if a workplace/profession is for them. They are also very helpful in developing language skills. Language development is an ongoing process that extends far beyond the classroom. While language courses and textbooks are often needed, real-world experiences like internships and work placements also play a crucial role in shaping a person's language proficiency. Whether you're a student or graduate deciding to take a placement or someone who just wants to reskill, it can be beneficial and help your language proficiency. Today we explore how internships and work experience can aid a person's language learning skills.

  • a man with a backpack stood in a street with shops
    • English for work and migration

    How to prepare for student life in the UK

    By Pearson Languages

    Deciding to study in the UK is a big step. Moving to a country with different food, language, culture and weather can make you nervous. It is completely normal to experience this.

    You may feel overwhelmed by the unfamiliarity of these things compared to what you are used to. Studying abroad can be a very rewarding experience once you get used to your new situation. 

    So how can you conquer your fears? Here are some tips to prepare for life as an international student studying in the UK.

    Research student life in the UK 

    Even though you're in the United Kingdom to study, you need to balance studying with a social life. Otherwise you risk boredom or worse, burnout. Luckily, students all over the world love to socialize, and British students are no exception.   

    The most well-known time to join student life in the UK is at Freshers Week. This is when new students are welcomed to the university with various social events. There's a fair where university clubs and societies try to get new members. There are clubs for many interests, hobbies and sports, so it's an excellent way to meet people who share your interests. There are some pretty unusual clubs too. At Cambridge, for example, there's a secretive group that climbs university buildings in the middle of the night

    Freshers Week is also a great opportunity to talk to everyone you can. Whether it's in the queue to get your student card or to your neighbor in your first lecture, everybody is in the same situation as you - they know nobody and are trying to figure out who to be friends with. During Freshers Week, you can make good friends and converse with other students. It's all about meeting new people.

    Get to know the faculty and staff 

    On your course website you'll be able to have a look at the academic staff and Ph.D. candidate profiles. Learn about their research interests and read a few abstracts of their past publications to get an idea of their work. This will help you understand their main focus during teaching and give you ideas for independent study projects.

    You can get to know the academic staff by signing up for online events before term starts. You'll hear them talking about the course and what you'll learn on it. Think about the questions you might ask. Before the event you should read your course syllabus. While you read, consider the reasons for choosing or arranging certain topics in a specific order. If you have any questions, make a note of them. 

    You might even be able to watch past lectures or sign up for events that they are participating in. That way you'll have some familiar faces around the department when you arrive at your university.

    Find out about the student union 

    Student unions are a big part of UK universities. Every university has a union that you can join. Sometimes there are a few different student unions, so you can choose the one you think would suit you best. Student unions are on-campus buildings where students can attend events, eat, study and socialize with others.

    But as well as organizing clubs, societies and social events, they can also help with any problems you might have. Every union has a welfare officer, typically a recent graduate elected to assist current students with personal issues they may encounter.   

    An international students' officer will be available to assist with any issues overseas students may encounter. This officer will have personal experience as an international student, making them well equipped to provide support. Knowing there are people to listen and help with your problems can be comforting, even if you don't need their assistance.

    Learn about the local social scene

    University life is more than just what's happening on campus. You can investigate a whole world outside your institution. In addition to nightlife, dining and cultural events, there are also sports clubs, outdoor activities and community volunteering.  

    Reach Volunteering has many volunteer opportunities. It's a good way to use your skills to help others. Meeting locals and making friends is important while studying in the UK. It helps build a strong network. The more you see of life in the UK, the more you'll get used to it and feel at ease.

    If you're worried about your level of English - don't be. People in the UK are very tolerant of how their language is used. It's a truly global language, so there's no right or wrong accent.

    If you join the local community, expect to pick up a slight accent from the place you study. It shows that you have become a part of the community.

    Follow your university on social media  

    Social media is a key part of all our lives, and this also goes for university life. Schools use social media accounts to share positive information about their staff and students. They also post pictures from the campus.

    Occasionally, a student takes over their account, giving them a chance to show what it's like to study there.  

    Student-run sites and social accounts also give an insider perspective on student life. Sites like The Tab cover news relevant to students, and have sections that cover news at specific universities. The Student Room is also a place where current and former students discuss all aspects of student life in the UK, from exams to the TV shows students like to watch.

    Pay attention to the English language test 

    You'll have to pass an English test for your visa to study in the UK. Treat it as a chance to learn. Focus on the test content, as it reflects the daily tasks of the UK and student life.  

    For example, the speaking component of the PTE Academic test, which can be used for UK visas and to access 99% of British universities, tests your ability to summarise an academic lecture. You may have to summarize a lecture for a friend who couldn't attend, not just for your classes. 

    Every task on the test has a real-world application, so if you can pass the test, you can be confident that you stand a good chance of making the most of life in the UK. 

    Remember, although you can do as much research as you like, there's only so much you can learn online. To truly understand a place, you must be there and learn from the firsthand experience it offers. Be ready to be surprised and take advantage of things you never thought would happen. You only get to be an undergraduate once, so make the most of every opportunity.

  • A group of university students outside smiling
    • English for work and migration

    International students: Which UK university is best for you?

    By Pearson Languages

    People study abroad for many reasons - to see new places, to experience a different culture, and, most importantly, to get access to student life and educational opportunities not available at home. If you want to study at a UK university, you’ll not only have access to some truly innovative teaching and research, you’ll also be joining one of the most multicultural student bodies in the world.

    The UK has a vast range of universities and courses to choose from. So, how do you choose between over 160 institutions and thousands of courses? Research finds that half of students who drop out of university early do so because they chose the wrong course, so it’s important to be completely happy with your choice.

    So, here's what you need to consider before you make your university application so you can make the right choice.

    Choose your subject

    The first step in choosing a university is deciding what you want to study. Your UCAS personal statement will be sent to all your university choices, so it should be relevant to all the courses you apply for. This means that your course choices must be the same or in a similar field.

    Think about the school subjects you’re good at, but also think about what you could spend the next three or even four years studying.

    Is there a subject that you want to continue and deepen your knowledge in? Or do you want to study something completely new?

    Do you want to study a subject like law or medicine related to a specific job? Or do you want to take a course like history that can be used in a wide range of careers? Think carefully about these questions and the rest of the process will become much more manageable.

    Do as many events and online taster sessions, and sign up for as many free online courses as possible. Futurelearn has a great range of taster courses from universities all over the world. This can help you decide where your interests lie. Above all, keep notes on what interests you and what doesn’t.

    If you think you want a broader degree, then you’ve always got the option of doing a joint honors degree. This means you combine two different courses. Many joint honors courses combine a language with another subject, allowing you to use your learning around the world or even do a study placement in another country.

    Consider the competition

    When thinking about what course you could do, it’s important to consider the competition. Some courses have many more applicants than places, but there are also hundreds of ‘hidden’ courses that get far fewer applicants. For example, the University of Oxford receives 16.9 applicants per place on its Economics course, but it’s closer to 3 applicants per Classics place. Classics covers a range of areas like politics, history, linguistics and social sciences, and really challenges your intellect.

    Economics might be competitive but Classics might be just as valuable. There are thousands of ‘hidden’ courses, which don't attract as many applicants just because they’re not well known. Check out the full range of courses on the UCAS Explore site and the Uni Guide, and do it with an open mind.

    Once you’ve narrowed down your list of courses, it’s time to think about where to study.

    Think about location and compare places

    The UK might be a small country but it’s incredibly diverse. There are large, international cities like London or Glasgow, smaller towns and cities like Cardiff, Belfast or Nottingham, rural universities like Lancaster, coastal towns like St. Andrews or historic cities like York, Oxford or Cambridge.

    So, when deciding on a UK university, you must first ask yourself: what’s important to you? Would you prefer to live in a busy city or the quiet countryside? Will you be doing a lot of exploring or will you stay near campus? These factors will make a difference to your decision.

    You’ll also need to think carefully about costs. Different parts of the UK have different living costs, depending on things like rent, transport and the cost of entertainment. Check out property websites to see what rents are like, to get an idea of how expensive life will be.

    Finally, the type of university itself is important. Some universities have campuses where the whole of university life takes place, like the University of York. Others are more spread out, such as the University of Manchester, which has buildings all over the city. Each has its own atmosphere and you should think about which you prefer.

    Look at the university rankings 

    Find out how your preferred universities rank in the league tables. Rankings of the top universities in the UK don’t just measure teaching quality. They show data on student satisfaction, post-graduation employment rates and staff-to-student ratios.

    The best universities in the UK and courses with higher rankings will be more competitive to gain entry to. You can apply for up to five courses on your UCAS form, so choosing a range of courses and universities is a good idea. Include an ambitious choice which you may or may not get the grades for and safe choices that you know will accept you.

    You can check the Guardian university rankings, or the Times Higher Education rankings to see which universities are the most highly rated.

    That being said, student life in the UK is about balance. You need to consider both rankings and what’s right for you. It’s no use going to a top-ranking UK university in a location you hate, studying things that don’t interest you and where the culture on campus doesn’t appeal to you.

    Sometimes it might be better to consider a lower university ranking if it can offer you plenty of chances to thrive and achieve your personal goals.

    Remember, the reason that there are so many different kinds of universities is because everyone is unique. If you’re applying to somewhere you know matches your values and interests, you’ll be much more likely to succeed in your university career.

    Research the teaching style

    It’s a good idea to look at the style of teaching and assessment at your chosen university. Some courses focus more on final exams, others on coursework, projects, dissertations and independent research.

    See whether your university’s exams are open book or closed book. If they’re closed you have to remember a lot more, but if they’re open you will probably have to give more detailed answers in your exams.

    If you can attend open days and chat with other students and potential professors, do so. But if you can’t, remember that each university course website will tell you about the course content and how it is assessed. You need to make a choice based on what type of assessment will suit you best.

    Some courses are taught in large lectures and seminars; others, such as many Oxbridge colleges, will teach you in small groups or one-to-one with a tutor. The teaching style that works best for you will be crucial in your choice.

    Consider your hobbies

    Every university has its own culture and social life based around the student unions and societies. For local and international students, university life is about more than studying.

    You will have a more balanced student experience if you make time for your hobbies. You can look on the university website to learn about student societies and clubs and see which activities are available. But don’t worry if you don’t see anything that appeals - you can always be proactive and start your own society.

    Do you have a sport that you love to do? If you do and are really good at it, you may be eligible for a scholarship. There are all sorts of funding and awards available, so even if you think you won’t get anything, it’s a good idea to check.

    Make sure you meet the English language requirements

    You’ll need to pass a test of English for your UK student visa requirements. You can take any Secure English Language Test (SELT) approved by the Home Office, the UK government department responsible for immigration.

    PTE Academic can be used for UK student visas for degree-level courses, and to access 99% of universities in the country. The test takes two hours, covers reading, speaking, listening and writing, and is done on a computer. Results usually come back within 48 hours, making it convenient and reliable.

    Choosing a university requires a lot of thought. Luckily, choosing an English test to get a visa is easy. 

  • A man smiling in a coffee shop, with a coffee in one hand and paying for it with his card in the other
    • English for work and migration

    Studying in the UK: A students' guide to budgeting

    By Pearson Languages

    Studying at a UK university can be an amazing experience, but it comes with financial obligations. If you're thinking about studying abroad, it's essential to thoroughly research the cost of living in the UK and create a budget that works for you.

    We’ve created a simple guide to help you get an idea what to think about when it comes to researching the living expenses in the UK for international students. To make sure you're prepared before you head off to the UK.

    Consider all costs

    As you prepare for your trip abroad, there are various expenses you'll have to pay for before leaving your country. These one-time expenses include fees for a UK student visa, university fees for international students, and course materials.

    Although these costs can be significant, it's important to include them in your budgeting.

    Recurring expenses

    After moving to the UK, you will have regular expenses to take care of such as rent, transportation, household and phone bills. These expenses remain consistent throughout the year and can be easily planned for.

    Unplanned expenses

    As an international student in the UK, you may face various living expenses that can vary based on your individual circumstances.

    For example, If you often travel on weekends or spend a lot of time going out with your friends, it's best to overestimate those expenses.

    It's important to consider your expenses for socializing, shopping for clothes, and pursuing hobbies. If you have a limited budget, it's crucial to monitor these expenses closely.

    Researching the cost of living in your area

    If you're planning to study in the UK, keep in mind that the cost of living will depend on your location. Living in a big city versus a small town can result in significantly different accommodation costs.

    For instance, the average one-bedroom rental can range from £1100 in a smaller city like Oxford to £1,695 in metropolitan London.

    If walking isn't an option for you, then you should consider budgeting for transportation. In Glasgow, a monthly pass for public transportation costs £63, while in Manchester, it will cost you £74.

    If you're someone who likes to stay active and exercise, you may also need to account for workout costs. Even with student discounts, joining the university gym in Cambridge will cost students about £35 per month, compared to £22 at the on-campus facilities in Leeds.

    Where to find local information

    Before deciding where to study, it's important to research the cost of living in different cities and regions to ensure it fits within your budget due to the variation in costs.

    Do you know any international students who have studied at the university you plan to attend? Or is there a student organization you can contact for information?

    Reaching out to current students can provide insight into their daily expenses and they might even offer great tips on where to find good deals or places to avoid.

    The cost of student housing varies based on the type of accommodation you prefer. Are you interested in living on campus, renting your own place, or sharing with fellow students off campus? Most schools provide comprehensive details about housing options, including contact information for potential roommates, landlords, or homestay families.

    Handy tip:

    To help with budgeting as a student in the UK, you can use a budget calculator like the one provided by the Universities and Colleges Admission Service (UCAS).

    The calculator also offers the convenience of selecting your school from a list for accurate local costs.

    Part-time UK jobs for international students

    With all these expenses, a bit of extra income would be helpful for any student. One possible way to supplement your finances during your studies is through tutoring. You can consider tutoring children or your fellow students at the university. It's important to note that international students are allowed to work up to 20 hours per week during the school year while on a student visa.

    Your university's career center can assist you in finding part-time work opportunities, especially if you are looking to gain experience in your field of study. Maybe you're looking to work in a pub or restaurant to improve your English skills and experience the local culture.

    Scholarships are available for both undergraduate and postgraduate studies, either directly from universities or through government initiatives. Non-EU nationals seeking postgraduate studies can apply for specific scholarship programs.

    An example of a student budget

    Although it may seem overwhelming, estimating your cost of living only requires a few calculations. Simply add up your fixed and variable expenses, as you would if you were living in your home country.

    As a helpful reference, we have provided an example of a monthly budget for a student living in Nottingham. The budget is calculated using average spending data obtained from a UK student budget calculator.



    Rental apartment


    Transportation (monthly pass with student discount)


    Utility bills (electricity, gas, water, etc)


    Gym membership (university gym)


    Phone and internet


    Grocery shopping


    Bank fees


    Clothes and personal items


    Takeaway and eating out




    It's common to come across discounts for students, like deals on food at campus eateries, special phone plans, or lower prices at certain shops and restaurants.

    Don't miss out on these opportunities and make sure to ask about them. Keep in mind that this budget doesn't cover expenses for shopping or hobbies, so take those into account based on your individual situation.

    If you're able to work while studying abroad, it can help ease some of the financial strain.

    There are lots of resources online regarding financing and budgeting whilst abroad so make sure to do your research and check them out.

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    • English for work and migration

    10 things to know about studying in Canada

    By Pearson Languages

    Have you considered studying abroad? Moving to Canada to study? With more than 100 world-class universities across the country, there’s good reason to. From coast to coast to coast, it offers many international students a safe and supportive learning environment and the opportunity to work after graduation.

    Want to learn more? In this guide, we cover ten things you should know about studying in Canada:


  • A young woman taking notes in a lecture theatre, she is sat by other young people.
    • English for work and migration
    • Language teaching

    Preparing your learners for university study abroad

    By Pearson Languages

    Whether your learners are going for a single semester, academic year or an entire university course, studying abroad is an excellent opportunity for them. They’ll have the chance to discover a new culture, develop new skills and make new friends.

    University study in another country also poses several challenges. But as a teacher, you can equip them for this experience and prepare them for future academic success.

    Why study abroad?

    Most people think that studying at university is hard enough, without the added difficulty of doing it overseas. But that doesn’t stop hundreds of thousands of university students from leaving the support of family and friends and relocating to a foreign country.

    People apply to study in another country for a range of reasons. A university program abroad might offer the student better tuition and a greater promise of future employment or simply represent better value for money. And in the case of very specialist university courses, studying abroad may be the only option.

    Whatever the reason, the decision to study in a foreign country is likely to involve a high level of proficiency in another language – and more often than not, that language is English.

    A move towards English language in higher education

    There has been a significant shift in higher education in the last ten years, as many European institutions look to internationalize their programs. As a result, across Europe, we have seen a sharp growth in the number of university courses taught in English. English-taught bachelor’s programs offered by universities in the European Higher Education Area have multiplied dramatically over the last decade. 

    What challenges do learners face?

    Academic skills

    There are a whole range of academic skills that students are expected to know when they start university. From research and evaluation, to note-making and referencing, many learners will enter higher education lacking many of the essential skills they require.

    Studying in a foreign language

    Not only will they have to master new skills, but they may need to do them in a second language. What’s more, even everyday things that fluent speakers may take for granted, such as understanding lectures, reading academic papers, writing essays and even socializing with new friends, will take a lot more effort if English isn’t your first language.

    Administrative issues

    There are many potential pitfalls for a student in a new academic setting. From the administrative process and campus regulations to the types of lessons and assessments, there may be a lot of differences to deal with. Even understanding the etiquette of addressing and interacting with professors can be daunting.

    Problems integrating

    Another challenge is integrating into another culture. Even if the host country is culturally similar, adapting to new surroundings is not always straightforward. There can also be a certain amount of ghettoization, where international students might stick together and remain isolated from the local student population.


    Feeling homesick can be difficult for international students to deal with. Depending on how far they travel to study, your learners may be unable to return home easily, visit their families and alleviate their homesickness.

    Mental health

    Moving abroad and living in a completely new place can be very stressful and overwhelming, and many factors can exacerbate/cause mental health issues. Making it harder to do day-to-day tasks, socialize and study. 

    Money worries

    Without a grant or a scholarship, studying abroad can be very expensive. If your learners currently live at home with their parents, the cost of accommodation may be formidable. The higher cost of living could mean they have to look for a part-time job to supplement their income. Understanding a country's taxes can also be confusing and hard to calculate into their budget.

    What can you do to get your students ready?

    All of the challenges mentioned above have one thing in common. If a student cannot communicate effectively, these situations can be exacerbated. Language is key, whether it’s accessing support, communicating with professors or getting to grips with a new culture.

    Here are some things you can do to help your learners prepare for university life:

    1) Put them in touch with past students

    It’s important that your learners have a clear idea of what university study abroad entails. Creating a chance for them to speak to other students who have already gone through that experience can be extremely valuable.

    Students who have returned from studying abroad can help with your learners' doubts and put their minds at rest. They might be able to provide essential advice about a specific country or university or simply tell their story. Either way, it’s a great way to reassure and encourage your learners.

    2) Use appropriate authentic content

    In preparation for your learner’s time abroad, the language course that you teach should align with their future linguistic needs. One of the main aims should be to develop the language skills required to perform successfully and confidently in their new context.

    3) Teach them academic study skills

    Think back to when you were at university and what you struggled with. Group work, presentations, critical thinking and exam skills are all things which your learners will need to be proficient in, so the more you practice them in class the better.

    4) Promote autonomous learning

    Success at university is deeply rooted in a student’s ability to work independently and develop practical self-study skills. Giving your learners more choice in the language learning process is one way to encourage autonomy.