2023 recap: Language trends and tools to look back at

Pearson Languages
Group of coworkers highfiving eachother sat at a table

As we prepare to bid adieu to the year 2023, it provides us with an excellent opportunity to reflect on the current state of language learning and the various trends and features that have become more popular in this field.

Whether you're a seasoned polyglot with years of experience or a beginner just starting on your linguistic journey, it's essential to take some time to ponder and evaluate the latest developments and advancements in language learning at Pearson and beyond. Let’s have a look.

1. Digital language learning platforms

Digital learning platforms have transformed the way people learn new languages. The flexibility of being able to learn from anywhere, along with interactive lessons and personalized experiences powered by AI, has made these platforms a popular choice for language enthusiasts.

Mondly by Pearson has witnessed significant increases in the number of users thanks to it being the closest thing to actual language immersion, with state-of-the-art speech recognition technology and over 400 hours of content specifically created to improve fluency and learn with real-life speakers rather than robots.

2. Gamification

Gamification has been around for a while but is an increasingly popular trend in language education. Nowadays, language learning platforms and apps have integrated game elements into their programs to make the process of acquiring a new language more enjoyable and rewarding.

Interactive challenges, points and badges serve as motivation for learners to stay committed to the learning process and keep track of their progress. It seems that gamification is here to stay and is being adopted more and more into learning.

3. Implementation of the Global Scale of Languages (GSL)

This year, the evolution of Pearson's flagship Global Scale of English, the GSL, was introduced, providing unparalleled insights into learners' skills in multiple languages. It has finished the year with an offering of four languages: French, Italian, Spanish and German, helping to personalize even more learners' language journeys.

4. Personalized learning with Artificial Intelligence (AI)

In 2023, AI-driven personalization in language learning has reached new heights. Language apps are now using machine learning algorithms to provide tailored lessons based on individual learning styles, strengths and weaknesses. Responsible AI tools have been used to help language teaching (and learning) in so many ways, including lesson planning, idea generation and problem-solving.

This approach ensures that learners follow a customized learning path that maximizes efficiency and effectiveness. This year, Mondly by Pearson announced LUNA, an AI conversational partner that provides a realistic learning experience. Mondly by Pearson has made significant progress in this area and continues to improve and develop more technology/AI-based teaching tools.

Looking back, it's evident that the future of language acquisition is technology-driven and constantly evolving. Whether you prefer immersive virtual reality experiences, gamified language learning apps or personalized learning with the help of AI, there's a tool that caters to every learning style.

Stay ahead of the curve and consider embracing some of these innovative approaches to language learning in 2024. Try a new language app, game, tool or even just following and interacting with more people on socials: you might end up surprising yourself. We'll be keeping you up to date on our language learning blogs and socials all through 2024. Wishing you a happy and successful new year, and may you meet all your language goals in 2024. 

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