Internships: how they improve language skills

Pearson Languages
an intern sat at a table surrounded by monitors talking to a co-worker

Internships and work experience can help in numerous ways, improve someone's workplace skills, add extra value to a resume or even help a person realize if a workplace/profession is for them. They are also very helpful in developing language skills. Language development is an ongoing process that extends far beyond the classroom. While language courses and textbooks are often needed, real-world experiences like internships and work placements also play a crucial role in shaping a person's language proficiency. Whether you're a student or graduate deciding to take a placement or someone who just wants to reskill, it can be beneficial and help your language proficiency. Today we explore how internships and work experience can aid a person's language learning skills.

How internships help language skills
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Real-life immersion

Learning a language through immersion is one of the most effective methods. By participating in internships or work experiences in an environment where the target language is spoken regularly, students and professionals can be exposed to authentic language use. According to Stephen Krashen, a renowned linguist, immersion in a language-rich environment can greatly improve language acquisition.

Practical application

Participating in internships and work experiences can be incredibly beneficial for individuals looking to improve their language skills. Not only does it provide them with practical, real-world scenarios to apply their skills, but it also forces them to use language for specific tasks, such as writing reports, conducting meetings, or communicating with colleagues and clients. This type of hands-on experience creates an ideal learning environment where individuals can practice and improve their language abilities in a professional setting.

Industry-specific terms

Various fields and industries have their own set of terms and phrases that are specific to them. These specialized terminologies are important for effective communication within the industry. When individuals participate in internships or work experience programs, they are exposed to these unique language nuances. This exposure enables them to become more familiar with the specific language used in these industries and expand their vocabulary. Moreover, familiarity with industry-specific vocabulary enhances their comprehension of technical language, which can help them in their future career growth.

Communication skills

Clear and effective communication is a crucial aspect of any profession. Work experiences offer individuals numerous opportunities to hone their business English in diverse communication contexts. This involves engaging with colleagues, supervisors, and clients, which facilitates the growth of interpersonal and soft skills. With the after-effects of the pandemic still having a large impact on students' social skills, it’s important to not overlook the importance of this advantage.

Cultural understanding

Language and culture are closely intertwined. When individuals participate in internships or work experiences, they not only acquire the language but also gain an understanding of the customs and culture associated with it. This cultural awareness enhances their language skills, making them more effective communicators, especially in cross-cultural settings. For those who do not have the opportunity to mingle and interact with people of different backgrounds in their everyday life, the workplace provides an excellent opportunity to learn about different cultures.

Internships and work experiences are amazing opportunities for people to develop their language skills. They give you a chance to dive into real-life language contexts and learn industry-specific terminology, which can help you improve your communication skills and gain a better understanding of cultures. By actively participating in these experiences, you can significantly enhance your language proficiency and prepare yourself for a successful career in today's modern world. So, if you're considering an internship, take the leap and don't miss out on these wonderful opportunities to improve your skills. You can find lots of listings online and on websites like Linkedin and Indeed.

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