How to keep your students motivated during summer intensive courses

Pearson Languages
Two students sat on stairs smiling at a laptop

Summer is here and so are English language intensive courses. Adults and teens are lining up at your classroom doors, full of enthusiasm and ready to learn English. But soon they’re staring out the windows, looking up at the bright blue skies and wishing they were on the beach, or - frankly - doing anything but studying English for the next 100 hours.

So how can you turn it around and keep your learners on track and motivated this summer?


How to keep your students motivated during summer intensive courses
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1. Start off on the right foot

You have a lot to do in this first class. It sets the tone for the entire English course and is your chance to show your students what you expect from them and what they can expect from you.

In teen classes, you’ll need to spend time outlining class rules and establishing your authority. You can do this by creating a class contract together and getting everyone to sign it. Although it’s summer and you want to have a good time, remember to stay firm and use an authoritative voice - at least for the first week or two.

With adults, it’s essential that they leave the first class feeling like they’ve learned something. By all means, start with some fun activities to break the ice, but make sure they go home feeling that their money was well spent.  

2. Keep things personal

You’ll also need to spend some time getting to know your students in both adult and teen classes.

While learning about their interests, you should also find out about their personal and professional objectives, so you can tailor your classes to meet their needs. Do this by surveying the class early on and use their ideas to plan later classes and projects. Students always appreciate personalization - and it certainly helps keep them motivated.

3. Don’t go easy on them

Your first class should be interesting, fun and focused on breaking the ice. But perhaps more importantly, it should challenge them. No one wants to take an easy course - it feels like a waste of time (and money). If your activities feel too easy, they’ll switch off, their minds will wander, and it will be tough for you to recapture their attention.

It’s therefore a good idea to have a range of activities of various difficulties up your sleeve. If students find things too easy, you can increase the challenge.

In addition, you should always have extra work for fast finishers. Teens especially get distracted quickly, but adults will also lose interest if you’re not giving them enough to do. So make sure to mix fun, dynamic activities with level-appropriate materials.

4. Give them something to work towards

Set your objectives early on. This includes:

  • Short-term objectives: What we’re going to achieve this class
  • Mid-term objectives: What we’ll achieve by the end of the week
  • Long-term objectives: What you’ll be able to do by the end of the course and beyond

People like to know why they are doing things and how it will be useful for them. Objectives are a good reminder of this, and you can help students track their progress towards their goals by giving them daily or weekly can-do statements or by having them keep a learner journal.

5. Keep getting and giving feedback

It’s a great idea to start every class reviewing what happened in the previous class or the previous week. This helps students refocus and remember what they did, and sets the tone for the rest of the day. It also allows you to re-establish authority with teenagers if students were rowdy or distracted in the previous class. Go over the rules again, if necessary, and explain they’re starting over with a clean sheet.

You can also have students reflect at the end of each class, sharing what they found hard, what they learned, what they enjoyed most and what they want to do more of. This will help you continue to deliver classes that challenge and interest them during the course.

6. Mix things up

Routine is important but so is surprise. Once you’ve established how things work and the activities and projects are well underway, turn it upside down. Take students outside, play a game or start an inter-class competition.

It will refresh your students, re-energize them and give them a new kind of challenge. It will also keep them on their toes and excited about what you plan next - a great motivational tool.

7. Be original

Introduce challenging themes, topical content and allow students to bring their own articles, videos and photos. Using authentic materials alongside coursebooks is a great way to motivate students. If they see that they can understand and work with real-world content, they’ll increase confidence in their own abilities.

8. Follow a structure

Progress, progress, progress. Without it your students will lose all motivation, even if your classes are challenging. Use a course to support your curriculum. Not only will it help you develop themes during the language course, but it will scaffold language and give students a physical reminder of what they are learning and achieving.

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