Pearson Test of English (PTE)

Achieve your dream of working, migrating or studying abroad.

  • English exams for study, work and migration
  • Ideal for going to the UK, US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand
  • Accepted for visa applications the Australian, Canadian, New Zealand and UK governments
  • Trusted by over 3,500 universities and colleges globally
  • Results typically within 2 days

Explore PTE

Which PTE test is right for you?

"As an introvert, I feel less nervous about taking the speaking test on a computer, so PTE Academic accurately reflects my speaking ability in English. It is also less time-consuming as compared to other tests." 

Van, Singapore migrating to Australia 

PTE Academic recognized for Student Direct Stream (SDS) route into Canada

PTE Academic is now accepted by the IRCC (Canadian Government) for their SDS study visa application process.

And if you’ve taken a PTE Academic test in the past two years, you can use your score as part of your application.

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Versant by Pearson | English Placement Test

Help your learners get off to a flying start by placing them in the right English class on their first day.

The easy way to measure their ability in speaking, listening, reading and writing.

  • Quick and easy: Save time with this easy-to-administer test
  • Scalable: Test as many learners as you need with consistent scoring
  • Fast turnaround: AI-based scoring returns results within minutes
  • Reliable: Millions of tests delivered around the world

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Are you taking a Versant test?

We offer a free interactive demo, scored English practice test and an official test guide to help you prepare. In addition, we offer resources for practice and familiarity with test formats and questions.

  • Resources: Official guides available for different test types, including 4-Skills Essential English Placement, Professional English, Speaking and Writing Tests.
  • Practice: Engage with a demo or purchase a practice test to enhance test-taking skills and identify improvement areas.
  • Scores: Test scores follow Pearson’s Global Scale of English, linked to CEFR levels from beginner to advanced.
  • Viewing scores: Use the unique TIN to access scores online shortly after completing the test.

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