Creative writing exercises for English language learners

Pearson Languages
A teenage girl smiling and doing her homework or studying at home.
Reading time: 3.5 minutes

Engaging in creative writing is one effective way to improve your English language skills. It allows for artistic expression and personal flair, making it a unique way to put your imagination into words. Additionally, creative writing can draw from the author’s life and experiences, providing a personal touch to the narrative. Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced learner, creative writing can help you enhance your vocabulary, grammar and overall language proficiency.

Creative writing exercises can also benefit other forms of writing, such as business writing and technical writing, even though these are not typically considered creative writing. In this post, we’ll explore various creative writing exercises that are designed to make learning English fun and engaging, as well as improve writing skills.

Creative writing exercises to help your English skills
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Exercise 1: Picture prompts

Using images as prompts for writing can spark your imagination, aid in character development, and help you come up with interesting stories.

  1. Choose an image that interests you.
  2. Look at the picture carefully and note down what you see.
  3. Write a story based on the image. 


A picture of a peaceful beach.

Prompt: What happens when a message in a bottle washes ashore?

Exercise 2: Short stories and story starters

Story starters are sentences or phrases that help kick-start your fiction writing and develop your storytelling skills.

  1. Choose a story starter from the list below.
  2. Continue the story from where the starter leaves off. Free writing can be a great method to let your imagination run wild and get the creative juices flowing.
  3. Be creative and develop the plot, characters and setting.


  • “It was a dark and stormy night when…”
  • “She couldn’t believe what she saw when she opened the door…”
  • “The old man had a mysterious look in his eyes as he handed over the ancient book…”

Exercise 3: Dialogue creation

Creating dialogues between characters is a common practice among creative writers, which can improve your conversational skills and help you understand the nuances of spoken English.

  1. Think of two characters and a situation where they might interact.
  2. Write a dialogue between the characters, focusing on making it as natural as possible.
  3. These exercises can teach students to write better dialogues.
  4. Practice reading the dialogue out loud to improve your speaking skills.


Prompt: Two friends discussing their plans for the weekend.

  • Friend 1: “What are you up to this weekend?”
  • Friend 2: “I’m thinking of going hiking. Want to join?”

Exercise 4: Collaborative storytelling

Collaborative storytelling involves writing a story with others, which can be a fun and interactive way to practice English.

It can also be used to create personal essays that reflect shared experiences.

  1. Gather a group of friends or classmates.
  2. Start a story with one sentence, then pass it along to the next person to continue.
  3. Keep passing the story around until everyone has contributed, then read the final story together.


First sentence: "Once upon a time, in a small village surrounded by mountains, there lived a curious cat named Whiskers."

Exercise 5: Rewrite the ending

Rewriting the ending of a familiar story, including those in creative nonfiction, can help you think creatively and explore different possibilities.

  1. Choose a story you know well.
  2. Read the original ending and think about how you could change it.
  3. Write a new ending for the story, making it as imaginative as you like.


Original story: "Cinderella".

New ending prompt: What if Cinderella decided not to marry the prince and instead pursued her dream of becoming a world-renowned chef?

Keep working on and improving your writing skills

These creative writing exercises offer a fun and effective way to improve your English language skills. By regularly practicing these exercises, you’ll enhance your vocabulary, grammar and overall proficiency while boosting your confidence in using English. Utilizing various writing tools, such as resources, guides and courses, can significantly improve your writing techniques.

So, don’t be afraid to let your imagination run wild and use these exercises as a tool for self-expression and language development. Remember, the more you practice, the better you will become at creative writing in English. Keep exploring new ideas and techniques to improve your writing skills, because there is always room for growth and improvement.

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    Understanding the balance of hard and soft skills

    Hard skills might get your foot in the door, showcasing your qualifications for a position. Developing hard skills to stand out from other job seekers is crucial; take advantage of classes, webinars and workshops offered by your current employer to develop hard skills and learn new technical skills. Examples include proficiency in a particular software, certification in a specific field, or mastery of a technical domain. However, it’s the soft skills, such as effective communication, collaboration, critical thinking and emotional intelligence, that propel you through the door and into the realms of career advancement. Recent research underscores the growing importance of English proficiency as a pivotal element in this dynamic, equally vital for enhancing both sets of skills.

    What are examples of soft skills?

    Soft skills encompass a wide range of attributes that can significantly impact workplace efficiency and harmony. Examples of essential soft skills include:

    Communication: The ability to convey information clearly and effectively is paramount. This includes both verbal and written communication, as well as active listening skills.

    Teamwork: Collaborating well with others, often with diverse backgrounds and perspectives, to achieve common goals.

    Problem-solving: The capability to analyze situations, identify problems and devise effective solutions.

    Adaptability: The readiness to adjust to new conditions, workflows, or technologies, demonstrating flexibility in the face of change.

    Critical thinking: The process of objectively analyzing information to make informed decisions.

    Emotional intelligence: The ability to understand, manage and utilize one's emotions constructively while also recognizing and influencing the emotions of others.

    What are examples of hard skills?

    Hard skills are quantifiable, teachable abilities specific to a job or industry. These skills are typically acquired through formal education, training programs and practical experience. Some examples of essential hard skills include:

    Computer programming: Proficiency in coding and programming languages, such as Python, Java, C++, or HTML/CSS is crucial for software development and web design roles.

    Data analysis: The ability to interpret complex data sets using tools like Excel, SQL, or R, providing valuable insights and informing decision-making processes.

    Graphic design: Mastery of design software such as Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign, enabling the creation of visual content for various media.

    Foreign language proficiency: Fluency in a second language can be an asset in international business, for example, in translation services or customer support roles.

    Project management: Knowledge of project management methodologies (e.g., Agile, Scrum) and tools (e.g., Microsoft Project, Jira) to plan, execute and oversee projects effectively.

    Technical writing: The skill of crafting clear, precise documentation and instructional materials, essential in industries such as engineering, IT and pharmaceuticals.