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For test takers
We offer tests for work, study and migration. Find the right one for you.
Tests overview
Interested in studying abroad? FutureAbroad is your go-to trusted information source for everything you'd want to know about international study.
Pearson Test of English (PTE)
Tests for study, work and migration visas for UK, USA, Canada and New Zealand.
Bookings now open for PTE Core, our new IRCC-approved general English test for work and migration visas for Canada.
Book PTE Core now
Versant English Placement Test (VEPT)
Have you been asked to take a Versant by Pearson English Test? Find out how to prepare and how to check your score.
Test preparation resources
Check your Versant by Pearson English Test score
PTE Australian Dreams
Explore how the Pearson Test of English helps individuals achieve their Australian dreams with inspiring success stories.
Unveil the stories of success
For learners
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Mondly by Pearson
Fun, easy and effective self-study language courses designed by language experts.
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Pearson English Journey
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The Official Guide to PTE Academic
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Pearson English Readers
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Why Pearson?
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Why Pearson? overview
Our success stories
Fast-track language learning
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The Global Scale of English
Supporting all learners
Language learning for everyone
Accessibility for all
Ground-breaking technology
How and why we use AI
Trusted and secure technology
Who accepts our tests and why
Our digital learning platforms
The Impact of English
New research reveals the profound impact of English on business growth, personal fulfillment and why it's time for a shift in education.
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Accredited teaching qualifications
Become the teacher you aspire to be. Whether at the beginning of your teaching journey or as a practicing ELL teacher, the PTEL Academy can help you achieve your career goals.
The Trinity College of London Certificate for Practicing Teachers (Trinity CertPT).
Discover Trinity CertPT
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