Language learning tips for international students

Pearson Languages
A woman smiling with a backpack stood outside in a cobbled square with many people in the background

Reading time: 4 minutes

Are you studying abroad (or soon to be), learning a new language and need some inspiration on ways to practice your language skills in the real world? Don't worry. It can be daunting to know how to begin, especially in an unfamiliar place, However, with a little bit of effort and following these useful tips, you will be able to improve your language skills and make the most of your study abroad experience.

Language learning tips for international students
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1. Join university groups or societies

Becoming an active member of clubs and societies that align with your interests.

Participate actively: Attend the regular meetings and events that are organized by the groups you join. By actively participating in these activities, you'll have the opportunity to engage with peers who share similar interests and engage in diverse conversations. In fact, you may even want to consider taking on a leadership role by joining a group committee. This will allow you to gain even more language experience and contribute to the success of the group.

Collaborate on projects: Initiate or participate in collaborative projects within the group. Discussing and planning projects in the target language not only hones your language skills but also fosters teamwork and creativity.

2. Strike up conversations during errands

Elevate mundane errands into language learning opportunities by striking up conversations during your daily routine. Whether that’s talking to the cashier or to someone on the bus. They don't have to be long, even brief encounters can help you practice. 

Expand vocabulary: When engaging in conversations during errands, pay attention to the specific vocabulary related to daily tasks. Practice expressing yourself using phrases commonly used in these situations, such as asking for directions or inquiring about products.

Local slang and expressions: Informal settings often expose you to local slang and expressions. Take note of these and incorporate them into your conversations to sound more natural and connected to the local culture. It is also a great way to become familiar with some of the local community.

3. Attend university and cultural events

Experience the local culture by actively participating in events and festivals; this could be either via uni-organized events or local ones.

Engage with locals: Don't limit yourself to observing; actively engage with locals during cultural events. Express your curiosity, share your experiences, and inquire about the significance of different cultural elements. This interaction enhances both language and cultural comprehension.

Document and reflect: Start a cultural journal or scrapbook to record experiences and reflections after attending events; it reinforces language learning and provides a personal record of cultural exploration.  It’s also a nice way to remember fun events when looking back in the future.

4. Volunteer and work opportunities

Explore volunteer/work opportunities within your university's student union or within the local community.

Event planning and coordination: If possible, get involved in planning and coordinating events. This involvement exposes you to a variety of tasks and communication scenarios, from drafting emails to coordinating logistics and broadening your language proficiency. Additionally, it can be a valuable addition to your resume, especially when you're a recent graduate looking for a job.

Networking opportunities: Volunteer opportunities may extend beyond traditional roles and offer you networking opportunities. Some universities may advertise casual paid positions for jobs like guiding prospective students and their families around on open days or assisting with campus tours. You might be able to offer a unique perspective as an international student.

Consider applying for these paid positions to not only utilize your language skills but also earn some extra income (if your visa permits). Engaging with prospective students and their families offers a unique chance to practice your language abilities in a professional context.

5. Participate in study groups

Supplement your academic pursuits and language skills by participating in study groups with your classmates. This might even lead to making some new friends.

Debate and discuss: Encourage open debates and discussions within your study group. Expressing and defending your ideas in the target language challenges you to think critically and articulate your thoughts more effectively.

Peer feedback: Seek and provide feedback within the group. Constructive criticism and language corrections from peers contribute to a supportive learning environment and help identify areas for improvement.

6. Join university groups on social media

Connect with other students at your university through social media groups dedicated to making friends. If you’re yet to start at the university, there are still often groups available for people looking for others starting soon.

Meet-ups: Utilize social media to arrange or take part in in-person meet-ups with fellow students. These informal gatherings provide a relaxed environment for language practice and allow you to learn from each other's unique language backgrounds. It’s also a great excuse to visit new places in the local area.

Online discussions: Engage in online discussions within these groups. Share interesting articles, ask questions, and participate in conversations to enhance both written and conversational language skills. These groups are often also useful for gaining local knowledge or lesser-known tips about life at the university.

As an international student, you’re likely to be far away from friends and what's familiar, but practicing your language skills shouldn't be hard if you can push yourself to get out there.  Maybe start by following just a couple of these tips, and rest assured you’ll be developing your language skills in no time and even making new friends and memories along the way.

Practice your language skills with our language learning app Mondly by Pearson.

Looking at studying abroad in the UK? Make sure to check out our posts International students: Which UK university is best for you?

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    Factors contributing to learners’ reluctance

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    Positive teacher impact

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    Leveraging technology: Mondly by Pearson

    One effective tool that can help address these challenges is Mondly by Pearson. This learning companion is especially beneficial for learners who are hesitant to speak in class. Mondly by Pearson offers over 500 minutes of speaking practice, encouraging learners to use English in real-life situations and tasks that prioritize action and communication over accuracy. This approach allows for mistakes - they are part of the game - thus fostering a positive mindset, which is essential if we want to enhance our learners’ speaking skills.

    AI-powered conversations

    A standout feature of Mondly by Pearson is its AI-powered conversation capability, thanks to advanced speech recognition software. Learners can engage in interactive role plays and conversations on topics of their choice, at their own pace, both in class and outside school. This flexibility helps build self-confidence and allows students to experiment with various production and interaction strategies. The instant feedback provided by Luna, the incorporated AI friend, is highly motivating and can significantly enhance the learning experience.

    Comprehensive skill development

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    Integration into classroom teaching

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    • Intermediate (GSE range: 43-58 / CEFR level: B1-B1+)
    • Advanced (GSE range: 59-75 / CEFR level: B2-B2+)

    These resources provide practical guidance on how to incorporate Mondly by Pearson into lesson plans effectively, ensuring that the tool complements classroom activities and enhances overall language learning.


    Encouraging students to speak English in class is a multifaceted challenge, but it is not insurmountable. By understanding the various factors that contribute to learners’ reluctance and leveraging innovative tools like Mondly by Pearson, teachers can create a more engaging and supportive learning environment. This approach not only boosts students’ confidence in their speaking abilities but also fosters a more inclusive and interactive classroom atmosphere.

    Embracing technology and aligning teaching practices with modern educational standards, such as the Global Scale of English, can lead to significant improvements in language proficiency and student engagement.

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    What are global citizens?

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    In a primary English classroom, helping students become aware of themselves as citizens of the world will introduce them to a global way of thinking. We can do this while also helping them become familiar with, and proficient in, English.  

    How can we introduce the concept?

    Before students put themselves in a global context, they should get to know themselves as individuals. But they should also get to know themselves as people who are part of their immediate communities.  

    In the classroom, this can be done by encouraging students to think about something personal, such as their likes and dislikes. We can then encourage students to look a little further: What kinds of homes do they see in their communities? What makes a house a home to them? What about people working in their communities — what important jobs do they do, and how do they make an impact? 

    For language teachers, the idea is to combine vocabulary and grammar structures with a slowly widening view of our world. Simply by introducing the concept that we are part of a worldwide community can take the children out of their own experiences and help them start to consider others.

    Tips and activities

    Social media makes it possible for teachers to contact each other across borders and to collaborate between their schools. Something simple, like organizing a class video call for students after lunchtime and encouraging students in different countries to discuss what they ate in English, can help learners become more globally aware.