Classroom tips: 12 days of Christmas

Pearson Languages
Young children stood in a row clapping and celebrating with a christmas tree in the background

With the holiday season approaching, it’s good to add some fun into teaching to keep your students engaged and motivated. We’ve created 12 simple classroom activities and tips that you can carry out with your primary class to encourage them to be good.

Classroom tips for the lead up to the holidays
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Day 1

Santa’s watching

Fact: Father Christmas, St. Nicholas, Sinterklaas – whatever we call him, many countries around the world have a tradition that naughty children will only receive coal, twigs or even onions. But do children always know how to be good?

Classroom application

Classroom tip: Catch students being good

Watch out for good behavior and praise it when you see it - much more effective than dealing with problems as they arise.


Day 2

Christmas countdown

Fact: Advent calendars count down the days to Christmas, and for children that usually means gifts! But is the festive period all about presents?

Classroom application 

Classroom tip: Kindness calendar

Challenge students to carry out one act of kindness every day in December. They can plan this on a blank calendar and tick the kind acts as they complete them.


Day 3

Season’s greetings

Fact: Did you know that greeting students individually at the door improves learning and engagement?

Classroom application

Classroom tip: Holiday password

Have a holiday-themed password for children to give as they enter the classroom. Students choose a new password every lesson.


Day 4

Frosty the Snowman

Fact: The largest snowman in the world was actually a snowwoman. Olympia was over 37 meters tall and had trees for arms.

Classroom application         

Classroom tip: Concrete poems

A concrete poem written in a shape that reflects the topic of the poem, for example a poem about a snowman written in the shape of a snowman. Challenge your students to write their own concrete poems about Christmas (or a current holiday for them).


Day 5

DIY decorations

Fact: Chinese New Year is the most important winter festival in China. Like Christmas, one of the main activities is putting up paper decorations.

Classroom application

Classroom tip: Collaborative tree

Each child draws around their hand, cuts it out and either draws a picture or writes a sentence about themselves. The whole class makes a display out of the handprints.


Day 6

Star students

Fact: Stars feature in many Christmas traditions. For example, in Poland, the Christmas eve feast only starts when the first star appears in the night sky.

Classroom application

Classroom tip: 2 stars and a wish

Give focused feedback on written tasks by identifying two positive aspects of work and one area to work on. Works great for peer assessment too.


Day 7

Perfect presents

Fact: Everyone loves getting presents. In Liberia, instead of Santa bringing toys, you’ll find Old Man Bayka, who walks the streets asking for gifts!

Classroom application

Classroom tip: My gift to the world

Brainstorm things students can do to help make the world a better place, such as volunteering at a local charity or planting a tree. Challenge them to do one thing as a holiday gift to the world.


Day 8

Festive feasts

Fact: Famous fried chicken in Japan, caterpillars in South Africa, hot tamales in Venezuela and oysters in France. Christmas dinners vary greatly as you move around the world.

Classroom application

Classroom tip: Recipe for success

Students can make their own Recipe for Success by thinking about what they need to be successful in the new year.

Example (to be designed to look like a child wrote it):

  • 1 cup of doing my best
  • ½ cup of ideas
  • ¼ cup of smiles
  • 2 tablespoons of teamwork
  • 3 teaspoons of listening to the teacher


Day 9

Holiday traditions around the world

Fact: Festive saunas in Finland, roller skating in Venezuela and Christmas cobwebs in Ukraine, no two countries celebrate Christmas in exactly the same way.

Classroom application

Classroom tip: Venn Diagrams

Students choose 2 countries and research how they celebrate during wintertime. They record their findings as Venn Diagrams. They record the different traditions of the two countries in the sections on the left and right. Anything they have in common goes in the middle.


Day 10

The excitement of Christmas

Fact: Anticipation plays a big part in the excitement of Christmas. Will Santa come? What presents I get? Who will win the annual family game of charades?

Classroom application

Classroom tip: Big questions

Start lessons by posing big questions to engage students’ natural curiosity and motivate them to find answers. Open questions work great, such as How do animals communicate? or What makes someone a hero?


Day 11

Holiday cheer

Fact: Forget the Grinch, the festive season is a time for feeling good and spreading happiness.

Classroom application

Classroom tip: Compliment corner

Allocate a space in the classroom as the compliment corner – a notice board or a big piece of paper. Students can write compliments to each other on sticky notes and put them on the board. Such as ‘I love the pictures you drew of your favorite hobby’, or ‘You’re so good at singing’.


Day 12

New Year’s resolutions

Fact: The start of a new year is a great time to focus on self-improvement, but only 8% of people are successful in sticking to their resolutions.

Classroom application

Classroom tip: Self and peer reflection

At the end of each lesson, ask students to reflect on their learning. Support students by providing sentence stems such as I learnt…I enjoyed …I’m good at…To improve I will…I didn’t understand…


Make these activities your own and adapt them to your class. They should help you turn the lead-up to the holidays in the classroom into an exciting one for your students and almost make them forget they're learning at the same time.

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    • Inference: Draw conclusions based on the information provided in the text.

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    • Letter writing: Learn how to write formal and informal letters.
    • Storytelling: Create your own stories using prompts or randomly selected features.