How to incorporate music into the classroom

Pearson Languages
Children singing in a line holding song sheets, with a teacher singing facing them

Learning English with music can enhance learning and create a more engaging and dynamic classroom environment. In a previous post, we discussed if music can help you learn a language; this post looks at how music can be incorporated into the classroom.

Using music in your classroom can help improve student motivation, focus, and retention of information. Here are some ways you can use music to enhance your classroom teaching:


Ways to incorporate music into your classroom
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Background music

Playing soft, easy to listen to background music in class can help create a calm and comfortable atmosphere for students. Music with English lyrics playing in the background can help students with passive memorization of English. Research suggests[1] that studying with music improves focus, also with the bonus of relieving stress and anxiety.

This can also help students discover new music. If they hear one they enjoy, they might listen to the songs outside of class and during their own study time.

To help and encourage them with this, you can also build a regular playlist that students can access or refer to. You can also ask students if they have any favorite songs with English words to add to the playlist, to get them more involved.

Musical breaks

Often it's good to take breaks or short pauses during the school day to help students recharge and refocus their attention. These kinds of breaks are typically 10-15 minutes long and can be utilized in different ways, such as physical activities, games or mindfulness exercises; it can also just be a time to relax and reset.

Adding English songs to these breaks can make them even more effective. Upbeat, high-energy music can get students moving and dancing and calming music can be used for relaxation and mindfulness exercises. Music can also be used to accompany physical activity and help children learn new words, skills or practice routines.

Create your own song

Using music to help students memorize words and phrases can be a fun and effective strategy. For example, you can create a song or rap from scratch or to an existing song or familiar beat, including important words or concepts that you're currently teaching. This can help students remember the information better and make learning more enjoyable.

For younger learners, add actions to your song to make it more interactive and even more memorable.

If you are short on time, use existing relevant songs to supplement your lesson. If it's a widely known song in current popular culture, students are more likely to connect or engage with it due to its familiarity and appeal.

Singing and performance

Music can inspire creativity and help students think outside the box. You can get students to create their own song, rap or performance in English to present to the rest of the class.

If you have less time, get students to sing along to songs, perform karaoke style, or create their own song lyrics to a familiar/existing tune. This can help with their English vocabulary, pronunciation and speaking practice. It can also help students practice public speaking, improvisation, and other performance skills.

Classroom management

Music can also be used as a tool for classroom management to help with transitions of different classes throughout the day. Use a song to signal the start or end of class. You can also use it to signal changes throughout the day.

Choose songs that reflect the time of day or an event. For example, if it is lunchtime, play a song related to food, such as "Food Glorious Food".

Students will start making associations with the words of the song and start picking up words and phrases, similar to the previous point of background music.

Integrating music into your classroom can be a great and fun way to engage students and enhance their language learning. Encouraging creativity, focus, learning, and growth. Utilizing music throughout the day adds a dynamic element that benefits the students in many ways.


[1]Antony, M. & Priya V, Vishnu & Gayathri R, Gayathri R et al (2018). Effect of music on academic performance of college students. Drug Invention Today. 10. 2093-2096.

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