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    Understanding your PTE test scores and university entry requirements

    By Pearson Languages
    Reading time: 4 minutes

    So you've just received your PTE score and are looking at what to make of them and what universities you can apply to. Don't stress, we've got you covered.

    Whether you're an international student or already a professional looking to upskill, PTE is a crucial milestone on your academic and career journey.

    Understanding your PTE scores is vital for self-assessment and university admission requirements globally. Read on to find out how PTE academic scores impact university admissions when you're a test taker looking at studying abroad.

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    Ace the listening section: Tips for English test prep

    By Pearson Languages
    Reading time: 5 minutes

    Passing an English proficiency test is a milestone for many non-fluent speakers. Among the different sections in such tests, the listening part can often present unique challenges. In most standardized English tests, your ability to comprehend and respond to spoken English will be put under scrutiny.

    This blog post is dedicated to helping you, the ambitious test-taker, sharpen your listening skills and equip you with strategies to excel in the listening section of your English test.

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    • English for work and migration
    • English language testing

    Picking the right PTE test: PTE Core vs PTE Academic

    By Pearson Languages

    Reading time: 3 minutes

    When preparing to prove your English proficiency—be it for studying abroad, immigration, or professional goals—selecting the right test is extremely important. PTE, renowned worldwide for its English language assessments, offers various tests catering to different needs, including PTE Core and PTE Academic.

    This blog post aims to clarify the differences between these two tests, helping you pick the test that aligns more with your aspirations.

    Understanding PTE Core and PTE Academic

    PTE is a world-leading provider of English language tests, trusted by universities, colleges, governments and professional bodies across the globe. Test scores are accepted in many countries, but which test you choose depends on where you want to go and your reasons why.

    What is PTE Core?

    PTE Core is the test you need to achieve your Canadian dream, approved for economic visa categories. But if you are looking to study in Canada, that is where PTE Academic comes in, approved for both SDS and non-SDS routes.

    PTE Core invites you to experience a test structure designed to assess your general English skills, as opposed to your Academic English, in a short, computer-based format. PTE Core evaluates all language skills—reading, writing, listening and speaking—in one seamless test.

    What is PTE Academic?

    PTE Academic is often the pathway to enrolment for students wanting to study at top universities. Specifically tailored for the academic environment, PTE Academic scores are widely recognized by institutions and are also accepted for visa purposes by the Australian, New Zealand, and UK Visas and Immigration Service. If your destination is higher education or a professional license abroad, PTE Academic is your way in.

    It's also praised for its ability to accurately reflect the speaking abilities of introverts, making it a considerate option for different personality types.

    Test features and acceptance

    When choosing the PTE test you need, consider the following features:

    Test format

    Both PTE Core and PTE Academic offer a computer-based test, which is excellent news for those who prefer not to have the extra stress of speaking to an examiner. Both tests are split up into three parts: Part 1: Speaking & Writing, Part 2: Reading, and Part 3: Listening.

    Speed of results

    With both tests, the results arrive rapidly—typically in just two business days—due to PTE's unique combination of AI scoring and human expertise that also strives to reduce bias.

    Global recognition

    An impressive list of institutions worldwide recognizes PTE Academic. Its scores are specifically sought after in the academic arena and by Australian, New Zealand, and UK visa authorities. Accepted by over 300 universities across the world, PTE Academic is the English test you need if you are looking to study overseas.

    It is also accepted by the Australian and New Zealand governments for migration visas, so it is the test of choice if that is your dream destination.

    PTE Core is recognized by the Canadian government (IRCC) for all economic visas and permanent residency applications.

    Preparation and support

    For those looking to prepare ahead of the test, be it PTE Academic or PTE Core, Pearson offers a range of supporting resources so you can put your best foot forward on test day.

    For PTE Academic, this includes five unique scored practice tests to give you a feel for the full test experience, what to expect, the type of questions that will be asked, and other unique resources.

    For PTE Core, there is a taster test you can try out your skills on, an online course, a handbook, and much more.

    Finding your best fit

    The choice between PTE Core and PTE Academic ultimately hinges on your future plans and destination country.

    To make an informed decision, check out PTE's useful links, which clarify destinations and requirements.

    How do I start studying for PTE?

    Embarking on the journey to master PTE begins with understanding your current level and building a solid study plan tailored to your needs. Arm yourself with our extensive resources, including practice tests and preparation books, to familiarize yourself with the question types and formats you'll encounter.

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    • English language testing

    What to expect on the day of your PTE test

    By Pearson Languages

    Reading time: 6.5 minutes

    Embarking on the journey of taking the Pearson Test of English (PTE) can be a nerve-wracking experience, especially if it's a pivotal moment in your study abroad journey or a step towards a career and even permanent residency in an English-speaking country. This comprehensive post is designed to guide you through the entire process, from the moment you decide to take the PTE test to the day you actually sit for it, ensuring a worry-free and breezy experience from start to finish.

    With our detailed walkthrough, you can approach the test with confidence, a sense of preparedness and a calm mind. We'll cover everything you need to know, from what to bring, where to leave your belongings and what to expect. So that when the test day arrives, you can focus on passing your English test and not worry about the small things.

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    • Language teaching
    • English language testing

    6 tips to enjoy teaching an exam course

    By Pearson Languages

    Who gets excited about English exam classes?

    You likely love teaching English, it’s fun, dynamic – almost chaotic at times – and provides the kind of autonomy necessary to be creative and driven.

    Some lessons are far less enjoyable than others - case in point: exam courses. Who gets excited about taking, not to mention preparing for, an English exam?

    Nevertheless, it’s all part of the job and requires finding ways to make exam courses effective for students and enjoyable for teachers. 

    Job satisfaction is heavily dependent on our effectiveness as teachers and feeling like we actually accomplish something in the classroom - and is a key factor in avoiding burnout (Maslach & Leiter, 2016). 

    While passing an exam is a concrete, achievable goal - a task we are able to accomplish - it also serves as a stressor, a general source of tension and anxiety. So how can we turn this around and enjoy teaching exam courses?

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    • Language hints and tips
    • English language testing

    Learning from mistakes: Using exam errors to perfect your English

    By Charlotte Guest

    Taking English exams can be intimidating and challenging. Everyone has their own set of strengths and weaknesses, and it's common to make the same kinds of mistakes in an exam.

    It’s possible to make use of this though, and improve your English from the mistakes you make. Today in our language learning blog, we discuss how we can use exam errors to perfect and improve your English.

    1. Find a pattern

    Firstly, you want to establish what your weak and strong points are. Write these down somewhere each time and build up a record. It's essential to take note of the mistakes you make and try to see if there's a pattern.
    Perhaps mistakes happen on:

    • A specific type or style of question
    • Questions relating to the same topic area
    • A particular way the exam is delivered (like spoken or written)

    These are only a few examples, but recognizing patterns or similarities can help you focus on areas that need improvement or extra attention.

    2. Rationalize and understand your mistakes

    Making mistakes in an exam can really impact a person's confidence, but if you can, look back and rationalize why that mistake was made. It can help your confidence in the future. Sometimes mistakes are made just because of a misinterpretation, perhaps a question wasn’t read correctly, and you realize you knew the answer after all.

    Remember, the situation of being in an exam can be stressful and you may not think or respond in the way you normally would outside of the exam room, so don't be too hard on yourself.
    Mistakes happen in the real world every day, and being able to look back at them and examine them critically is a valuable skill.

    3. Compare and team up with peers

    As we’ve already mentioned, everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. It can be a great idea to compare your mistakes with others; they may be making the same ones.

    You can team up and try to tackle them together, or you may know someone whose strength is in your weak areas (and vice versa). It's helpful to team up and help each other. They might have some handy tips and techniques for you to try.

    4. Experiment with study techniques

    It's good to switch up techniques at times and your errors might be giving you some guidance on doing so. If you tend to make errors with your spoken English, consider study techniques that work on that – like using recall or incorporating music to strengthen your speech.

    Perhaps memory is an issue, so using tools like flashcards can help you. Some techniques focus on and help improve some areas more than others, so there isn’t one solution for all. Make sure to experiment and see what works for you.

    5. Repetition

    Perhaps an obvious one, but just repeating and practicing the questions/tasks you’ve gotten wrong in the exam is a good approach. By doing it over and over again, with some persistence, it ends up being retained in your long-term memory.

    You may want to study variations of the questions you struggle with, as exams tend to alter their questions and you don’t want to be thrown off in an exam if they reword/change the question slightly.

    The next time you review your exam results, remember these steps, look for patterns, examine your thought process and don’t be afraid to ask others for help. With enough practice, those errors should be things of the past.

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    • Technology and the future
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    The role of AI in English assessment

    By Pearson Languages

    Digital assessment is becoming more and more widespread in recent years. But what’s the role of digital assessment in teaching today? We’d like to give you some insight into digital assessment and automated scoring.

    Just a few years ago, there may have been doubts about the role of AI in English assessment and the ability of a computer to score language tests accurately. But today, thousands of teachers worldwide use automated language tests to assess their students’ language proficiency.

    For example, Pearson’s suite of Versant tests have been delivering automated language assessments for nearly 25 years. And since its launch in 1996, over 350 million tests have been scored. The same technology is used in Pearson’s Benchmark and Level tests.

    So what makes automated scoring systems so reliable?

    Huge data sets of exam answers and results are used to train artificial intelligence machine learning technology to score English tests the same way that human markers do. This way, we’re not replacing human judgment; we’re just teaching computers to replicate it.

    Of course, computers are much more efficient than humans. They don’t mind monotonous work and don’t make mistakes (the standard marking error of an AI-scored test is lower than that of a human-scored test). So we can get unbiased, accurate, and consistent scores.

    The top benefits of automated scoring are speed, reliability, flexibility, and free from bias.


    The main advantage computers have over humans is that they can quickly process complex information. Digital assessments can often provide an instant score turnaround. We can get accurate, reliable results within minutes. And that’s not just for multiple-choice answers but complex responses, too.

    The benefit for teachers and institutions is that they can have hundreds, thousands, or tens of thousands of learners taking a test simultaneously and instantly receive a score.

    The sooner you have scores, the sooner you can make decisions about placement and students’ language level or benchmark a learner’s strengths and weaknesses and make adjustments to learning that drive improvement and progress.


    The next biggest benefit of digital assessment is flexible delivery models. This has become increasingly more important since online learning has become more prominent.

    Accessibility became key: how can your institution provide access to assessment for your learners, if you can’t deliver tests on school premises?

    The answer is digital assessment.

    For example, Versant, our web-based test can be delivered online or offline, on-site or off-site. All test-takers need is a computer and a headset with a microphone. They can take the test anywhere, any time of day, any day of the week, making it very flexible to fit into someone's schedule or situation. 

    Free from bias

    Impartiality is another important benefit of AI-based scoring. The AI engine used to score digital proficiency tests is completely free from bias. It doesn’t get tired, and it doesn’t have good and bad days like human markers do. And it doesn’t have a personality.

    While some human markers are more generous and others are more strict, AI is always equally fair. Thanks to this, automated scoring provides consistent, standardized scores, no matter who’s taking the test.

    If you’re testing students from around the world, with different backgrounds, they will be scored solely on their level of English, in a perfectly objective way.

    Additional benefits of automated scoring are security and cost.


    Digital assessments are more difficult to monitor than in-person tests, so security is a valid concern. One way to deal with this is remote monitoring.

    Remote proctoring adds an extra layer of security, so test administrators can be confident that learners taking the test from home don’t cheat.

    For example, our software captures a video of test takers, and the AI detection system automatically flags suspicious test-taker behavior. Test administrators can access the video anytime for audits and reviews, and easily find suspicious segments highlighted by our AI.

    Here are a few examples of suspicious behavior that our system might flag:

    Image monitoring:

    • A different face or multiple faces appearing in the frame
    • Camera blocked

    Browser monitoring:

    • Navigating away from the test window or changing tabs multiple times

    Video monitoring:

    • Test taker moving out of camera view
    • More than one person in the camera view
    • Looking away from the camera multiple times


    Last but not least, the cost of automated English certifications are a benefit. Indeed, automated scoring can be a more cost-effective way of monitoring tests, primarily because it saves time and resources.

    Pearson English proficiency assessments are highly scalable and don’t require extra time from human scorers, no matter how many test-takers you have.

    Plus, there’s no need to spend time and money on training markers or purchasing equipment.

    AI is helping to lead the way with efficient, accessible, fair and cost-effective English test marking/management. Given time it should develop even further, becoming even more advanced and being of even more help within the world of English language learning and assessments. 

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    • English language testing
    • Technology and the future

    Explaining computerized English testing in plain English

    By Pearson Languages

    Research has shown that automated scoring can give more reliable and objective results than human examiners when evaluating a person’s mastery of English. This is because an automated scoring system is impartial, unlike humans, who can be influenced by irrelevant factors such as a test taker’s appearance or body language. Additionally, automated scoring treats regional accents equally, unlike human examiners who may favor accents they are more familiar with. Automated scoring also allows individual features of a spoken or written test question response to be analyzed independent of one another, so that a weakness in one area of language does not affect the scoring of other areas.

    PTE Academic was created in response to the demand for a more accurate, objective, secure and relevant test of English. Our automated scoring system is a central feature of the test, and vital to ensuring the delivery of accurate, objective and relevant results – no matter who the test-taker is or where the test is taken.

    Development and validation of the scoring system to ensure accuracy

    PTE Academic’s automated scoring system was developed after extensive research and field testing. A prototype test was developed and administered to a sample of more than 10,000 test takers from 158 different countries, speaking 126 different native languages. This data was collected and used to train the automated scoring engines for both the written and spoken PTE Academic items.

    To do this, multiple trained human markers assess each answer. Those results are used as the training material for machine learning algorithms, similar to those used by systems like Google Search or Apple’s Siri. The model makes initial guesses as to the scores each response should get, then consults the actual scores to see well how it did, adjusts itself in a few directions, then goes through the training set over and over again, adjusting and improving until it arrives at a maximally correct solution – a solution that ideally gets very close to predicting the set of human ratings.

    Once trained up and performing at a high level, this model is used as a marking algorithm, able to score new responses just like human markers would. Correlations between scores given by this system and trained human markers are quite high. The standard error of measurement between Pearson’s system and a human rater is less than that between one human rater and another – in other words, the machine scores are more accurate than those given by a pair of human raters, because much of the bias and unreliability has been squeezed out of them. In general, you can think of a machine scoring system as one that takes the best stuff out of human ratings, then acts like an idealized human marker.

    Pearson conducts scoring validation studies to ensure that the machine scores are consistently comparable to ratings given by skilled human raters. Here, a new set of test-taker responses (never seen by the machine) are scored by both human raters and by the automated scoring system. Research has demonstrated that the automated scoring technology underlying PTE Academic produces scores comparable to those obtained from careful human experts. This means that the automated system “acts” like a human rater when assessing test takers’ language skills, but does so with a machine's precision, consistency and objectivity.

    Scoring speaking responses with Pearson’s Ordinate technology

    The spoken portion of PTE Academic is automatically scored using Pearson’s Ordinate technology. Ordinate technology results from years of research in speech recognition, statistical modeling, linguistics and testing theory. The technology uses a proprietary speech processing system that is specifically designed to analyze and automatically score speech from fluent and second-language English speakers. The Ordinate scoring system collects hundreds of pieces of information from the test takers’ spoken responses in addition to just the words, such as pace, timing and rhythm, as well as the power of their voice, emphasis, intonation and accuracy of pronunciation. It is trained to recognize even somewhat mispronounced words, and quickly evaluates the content, relevance and coherence of the response. In particular, the meaning of the spoken response is evaluated, making it possible for these models to assess whether or not what was said deserves a high score.

    Scoring writing responses with Intelligent Essay Assessor™ (IEA)

    The written portion of PTE Academic is scored using the Intelligent Essay Assessor™ (IEA), an automated scoring tool powered by Pearson’s state-of-the-art Knowledge Analysis Technologies™ (KAT) engine. Based on more than 20 years of research and development, the KAT engine automatically evaluates the meaning of text, such as an essay written by a student in response to a particular prompt. The KAT engine evaluates writing as accurately as skilled human raters using a proprietary application of the mathematical approach known as Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA). LSA evaluates the meaning of language by analyzing large bodies of relevant text and their meanings. Therefore, using LSA, the KAT engine can understand the meaning of text much like a human.

    What aspects of English does PTE Academic assess?

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    5 ways to improve English test results

    By Pearson Languages

    As with all tests, adequate preparation is crucial. For many aspiring migrants needing to take an English test, it may have been several years since they took an official exam. Knowing how to prepare effectively and what to expect on the day are key when it comes to securing a successful outcome. Use these five exam preparation tips below to improve your English test results.

    1. Familiarise yourself with the type of test questions you will be asked and know what to expect on the day

    The official guides published by the testing bodies are an excellent source of information to help you fast-track your learning. They offer materials that replicate the real test questions as well as guidance and strategies for dealing with every task set. Taking a practice test in exam-like conditions helps to improve time management skills and set realistic expectations on your potential performance.

    As with all high-stakes tests, security arrangements at the test center are strict. Test takers need to prove their identity via a passport or similarly approved document, so it’s a good idea to arrive at least 30 minutes before the test time and have your documents to hand.

    2. Give yourself enough time by setting clear, measurable and achievable goals. This will help keep your motivation up and your end goal in sight

    Start with a detailed understanding of your current English proficiency. That makes it easier to focus on any weaker areas ahead of taking the test and plan how long you’ll need to study for to bring your skills up to the required level.

    3. Seek English instruction that works for you and matches your specific needs and learning goals

    Coursebooks are a good option if you have a little more time to study in the run-up to the test. A rigorous preparation course structure will take you through a series of normally class-based lessons designed to prepare you for the test. Sometimes, however, the best way to prepare for a test is to join a class and receive tuition face-to-face. There is a multitude of courses and they offer class-based or individual tuition, from intensive week-long courses to six-month programs to help brush up on your English skills.

    4. Choose quality materials that are at the right level for you – they should stretch you a bit to help you progress so you stay motivated

    Digital learning can be very useful, providing opportunities to study at a time that suits and giving lots of feedback opportunities. Many test-takers take advantage of the large amount of free preparation material that includes everything from print and digital course guides to practice tests. A huge amount of information is also posted on YouTube, including tutorials and advice covering the range of different tests on offer.

    5. Be persistent – keep practicing at every opportunity

    Make the most of those spare minutes to practice your skills. Every workday includes a little downtime so try to incorporate a few short 5 or 10 minute practice activities each day to keep building your knowledge.

    IELTS has long been the standardized test approved by the Australian government and the test of choice for visa applicants both for work and study. Since November 2014, in an effort to make it more convenient for applicants, the DIBP has approved a number of additional tests that can be used as proof of English language skills, including TOEFL iBT, Cambridge English Advanced (CAE) and the Pearson Test of English Academic (PTE Academic).

    Bonus tip just for PTE Academic test takers

    PTE Academic offers a wide range of free and paid materials online that help test takers prepare for their migration visa English test. Of particular note is the Scored Practice Test which gives test takers an indicative score – so they know how close they are to their goal.