
The bestselling exam series for nearly two decades and trusted by teachers everywhere, Gold has helped over 8 million learners worldwide to succeed in their Cambridge English exams.

For adult learners British English Print and digital 4 levels GSE: 42-84 CEFR: B1-C1

About the course

Gold takes learners from Preliminary to Advanced level, helping build their confidence and develop natural speaking skills in English

Gold is a fun and communicative course that is light on the page but thorough in its preparation, and helps take some of the pressure out of a serious subject. Gold provides enjoyable, communicative classes with a strong emphasis on personalization and continues to be the popular choice for teachers worldwide.

Combining interesting topics, thorough language and skills development with exam support, it offers structured work for your learners on how to approach the exam, with advice for you on how to teach for exams.

Gold prepares learners for serious exams while keeping the classroom fun and communicative. With genuinely interesting texts alongside lots of opportunities for discussions and a chance to talk about real-life experiences, Gold is a great way to engage the classroom.

Gold digital resources

Why choose Gold?

Focus on preparing for exams and developing language skills

Strong language development syllabus with emphasis on communication and personalization
Mix of print and digital provides a complete learning package

Fast-track your learners’ progress with the Global Scale of English

Discover the powerful tool at the heart of all our products and find out how it can boost your learners' confidence, keep them motivated and give unparalleled insights into their English language abilities.

Unlock the power of the GSE



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