Online testing: AI accuracy and human development

In this webinar, we will explore the intersection of artificial intelligence accuracy and human-centric development in online testing environments.

In this webinar, we will explore the intersection of artificial intelligence accuracy and human-centric development in online testing environments. We will delve into the symbiotic relationship between AI-driven assessment tools and the evolution of human-centered methodologies in testing frameworks. Join us to discover how the synergy between AI accuracy and human development can revolutionize online testing practices, enhancing fairness, reliability, and adaptability in evaluating knowledge and skills.

Presenter(s): Bartłomiej Janiak and Lottie Harrison



About Bartłomiej Janiak

Bartek has over a decade of experience in the education field, having graduated from the University of Lodz with a degree in English language teaching.

He began his career as an ELT Representative and is currently a Teacher Trainer and Senior Assessment Advisor at Pearson. In addition to his work, Bartek has a strong interest in the personal and professional development of individuals and has completed additional studies in coaching methods and psychology of motivation. He has also presented and conducted workshops at various educational and business events.

Bartlomiej Janiak

About Lottie Harrison

Lottie Harrison is an English Language Assessment Manager for Pearson Tests of English. After years of teaching and teacher education, she is now responsible for item development and supporting assessment related activity for proficiency tests.

Bartlomiej Janiak

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