Hard skills vs. soft skills: The impact of language learning

Charlotte Guest
A business woman sat at a table in a office writing notes
Reading time: 6 minutes

Hard skills and soft skills play a crucial role in defining career success and progression. The difference between hard skills and soft skills is that hard skills are teachable, technical, measurable abilities specific to particular jobs, while soft skills are more interpersonal, universal and related to personality traits. While hard skills refer to the technical knowledge and specific abilities required to perform a job, soft skills are more intangible. They encompass the interpersonal attributes and personality traits that enable individuals to communicate effectively, work collaboratively and adapt to changes in the workplace environment.

In this blog post, we will explore how learning a new language can significantly enhance both hard and soft skills, making you a more versatile and effective professional in today’s multifaceted work environment.

Understanding the balance of hard and soft skills

Hard skills might get your foot in the door, showcasing your qualifications for a position. Developing hard skills to stand out from other job seekers is crucial; take advantage of classes, webinars and workshops offered by your current employer to develop hard skills and learn new technical skills. Examples include proficiency in a particular software, certification in a specific field, or mastery of a technical domain. However, it’s the soft skills, such as effective communication, collaboration, critical thinking and emotional intelligence, that propel you through the door and into the realms of career advancement. Recent research underscores the growing importance of English proficiency as a pivotal element in this dynamic, equally vital for enhancing both sets of skills.

What are examples of soft skills?

Soft skills encompass a wide range of attributes that can significantly impact workplace efficiency and harmony. Examples of essential soft skills include:

Communication: The ability to convey information clearly and effectively is paramount. This includes both verbal and written communication, as well as active listening skills.

Teamwork: Collaborating well with others, often with diverse backgrounds and perspectives, to achieve common goals.

Problem-solving: The capability to analyze situations, identify problems and devise effective solutions.

Adaptability: The readiness to adjust to new conditions, workflows, or technologies, demonstrating flexibility in the face of change.

Critical thinking: The process of objectively analyzing information to make informed decisions.

Emotional intelligence: The ability to understand, manage and utilize one's emotions constructively while also recognizing and influencing the emotions of others.

What are examples of hard skills?

Hard skills are quantifiable, teachable abilities specific to a job or industry. These skills are typically acquired through formal education, training programs and practical experience. Some examples of essential hard skills include:

Computer programming: Proficiency in coding and programming languages, such as Python, Java, C++, or HTML/CSS is crucial for software development and web design roles.

Data analysis: The ability to interpret complex data sets using tools like Excel, SQL, or R, providing valuable insights and informing decision-making processes.

Graphic design: Mastery of design software such as Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign, enabling the creation of visual content for various media.

Foreign language proficiency: Fluency in a second language can be an asset in international business, for example, in translation services or customer support roles.

Project management: Knowledge of project management methodologies (e.g., Agile, Scrum) and tools (e.g., Microsoft Project, Jira) to plan, execute and oversee projects effectively.

Technical writing: The skill of crafting clear, precise documentation and instructional materials, essential in industries such as engineering, IT and pharmaceuticals.

The importance of language learning for professional development

In our ever-growing globalized economy, English stands as the primary language in countless professions. Developing leadership skills is also crucial for career advancement, as it enhances your ability to manage teams and projects effectively. The ability to articulate ideas clearly, understand complex instructions and foster meaningful connections across diverse cultural boundaries is more than just another skill—it is a necessity. Interpersonal skills are crucial in how people get along with each other, communicate and collaborate effectively in the workplace. Learning English, or improving your proficiency, can substantially impact your hard and soft skills alike. It reinforces your ability to communicate effectively, boosts confidence in professional settings and enhances your global perspective—an indispensable asset in today’s interconnected world.

Our research in the GSE impact of English report reveals a clear consensus among professionals regarding the utility of English in the workplace. An overwhelming percentage believes that English proficiency directly affects career opportunities, earning potential and job satisfaction. Almost half say that improving their English has led to feeling more confident, not just at work but also in other areas of their lives. 85% of respondents believe English is a vital skill for professional success. 56% believe that those who can communicate effectively in English can earn up to 50% more, so you can see why learning a new language can be essential for your career progression and how it can support both your hard and soft skill development.

Language learning platforms, such as the Pearson English Journey and Mondly by Pearson, bolster both hard and soft skills by focusing on practical, applicable knowledge such as negotiating, presenting opinions and leadership. Apps are a popular option, 56% of employees use self-service tools such as language learning apps.

Language learning also complements digital literacy in an age when technology is in every aspect of our lives. With the majority of respondents indicating a preference for self-service tools and social media to improve their English, it’s evident that tech-savvy learners are utilizing modern resources to bridge the gap between formal education and the demands of the workplace.

What skills can good English help you with?

Soft skills

Good English skills can greatly enhance your soft skills in the modern workplace. Enhanced communication allows you to articulate ideas clearly, listen actively and engage in productive dialogues. Strong English proficiency aids in problem-solving and critical thinking by enabling you to analyze information and make informed decisions.

It also boosts adaptability, helping you navigate global work environments and cultural contexts. Improved English skills bolster emotional intelligence, aiding in personal interactions, managing relationships and resolving conflicts. Lastly, proficient English enhances leadership by empowering you to inspire, guide and advocate effectively for your team. It is important not to pit soft skills against hard skills but to develop both in tandem for a well-rounded skill set.

Hard skills

Strong English skills are essential for enhancing your hard skills and thriving in technical and professional domains. Proficiency in English grants access to a vast array of technical literature, online courses and research papers. It also aids in understanding certification programs, exams and professional certificates in industries like IT, finance and engineering. Obtaining a professional certificate can significantly strengthen your technical and workplace skills, making you more competitive in your field.

Effective English communication is crucial during interviews. It helps you convey your technical abilities clearly and ensures smooth interactions with colleagues.

Showcasing your skills

When it comes to listing these enriched skills on a resume, it is crucial to tailor your resume to match the specific soft and hard skills and qualifications mentioned in the job description. Additionally, highlighting any professional certificates can significantly strengthen your skill set and demonstrate your commitment to continuous learning.

Clarity and honesty are paramount. Clearly show your hard skills with specific certifications or proficiencies and illustrate your soft skills through concrete examples of teamwork, leadership roles, or how you’ve effectively managed work-related challenges. Incorporating language proficiencies, especially English, can set you apart, signaling to potential employers your readiness to engage in a globalized market.

The language learning advantage

The symbiotic relationship between hard and soft skills is undeniable and English proficiency stands at the confluence, enhancing both. For professionals eager to assert their competitive edge, understanding this balance and investing in language learning can yield considerable dividends.

In today’s competitive job market, distinguishing yourself through a commitment to continuous learning—especially in languages—can make all the difference. Workplace skills are increasingly in demand and many employers find it challenging to fill positions due to a lack of these valuable skills. Refine your skills, boost your professional value and broaden your career prospects. Remember, in the quest for professional development, every word counts.

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    1. Spider-Man comic books

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    5. Microserfs

    This clever novel, written by Douglas Coupland, tells its story through the use of letters and diary entries. Originally a short story, it was expanded to a full-length novel that follows the adventures of six code-crunching computer whizzes, seen through the eyes of one of the characters, Daniel. The diary entries are written in a straightforward and entertaining style, making it a fast-paced read.

    6. 2001: A Space Odyssey

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    7. Snow Crash

    When a powerful computer virus called Snow Crash gets loose and somehow starts infecting humans, computer hacker Hiro teams up with a sassy skateboard messenger to save both the real world and cyberspace. The characters are quirky, as is the writing style. But it is well thought out and means you can really get to know the characters. You’ll need to concentrate closely on the plot – but the slower pace will give you time to look up any English words you’re not sure of.

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