Language and employability skills: Critical thinking, creativity, and communication

Ken Beatty
Ken Beatty
A server standing and smiling at a group of ladies smiling sat at a table

Why learn a language?

For most, it's part of academic studies. For some, it's a fun social opportunity. But for many, language learning is aimed at getting a job.

Language teachers didn't always consider the reasons students were motivated to learn a language. Instead, they focused solely on the central parts of language learning: phonology (sounds of letters and words), morphology (the meaning of parts of words), lexicon (vocabulary), grammar (word order) and to a lesser extent, discourse (the intent of language).

But today, beyond the mechanical aspects of language teaching and learning, language teachers and their teaching and learning materials try to align with students' motivations. This includes exploring a wide variety of social issues from global warming to racism to homelessness. Reasons for teaching these issues are based on the notion that language is culture, and students want to learn broad topics and be able to contribute to conversations about the issues of the day.

Employability skills

A related challenge facing students is employability skills. In the past, students were largely taught the types of language expected of factory workers: giving and responding to simple instructions. Most students learning via the audio-lingual method would consider the question "How are you?" to always be answered with the response, "I'm fine, thank you." The reality, of course, is that you might just as well say, "I'm okay." "Can't complain!" "Not too bad." or even the little-used but truthful, "I feel terrible!"

The Communicative Approach challenged this pre-programmed speech and reflected changes in the workplace. As robots and artificial intelligence agents take over more and more factory work, today's language students are graduating into jobs that require critical thinking, creativity, and broad communication skills. What are these skills and how do they relate to employability?

Critical thinking is about examining problems to better understand them. Sometimes critical thinking helps students make choices between one or more alternatives. Like creativity and communication, critical thinking is vital in both academic and employment situations where, for example, staff might try to decide between two locations to build a new factory.

Creative thinking is about looking for new solutions. In the factory example, a solution might be to build a factory on a boat so it travels between where the raw materials are collected to the market where they're to be sold.

Communication is about explaining ideas, listening to others' views, and using persuasive speaking and writing to structure arguments. Is the factory boat the best idea? It might be, but without clear communication and debate, it will be tossed aside.

In terms of employability, the Pearson series Step Up outlines the varied needs faced by adult learners: "to improve their employability skills to get their first job, secure a promotion, find a different job, re-enter the workforce after an absence or change fields."

Meeting these needs requires new teaching and assessment approaches.

Be collaborative

Teaching has to become more collaborative. This reflects the nature of modern work, where most people work in teams, rather than in the factory model where workers were interchangeable parts of a machine. Workers today need to identify problems, share ideas about how to solve them and negotiate, using critical and creative thinking.

Assess positively

Similarly, assessment needs to change to a model that allows students opportunities to show what they know in open-ended ways with multiple opportunities to achieve success. Tests with closed-ended questions aimed at tricking students are a thing of the past. Assessment today needs to present students with chances to learn and try again and again until they and their teachers are confident of their abilities.

Learning a language and related abilities, like employability skills, is not a narrow classroom-bound experience. Students continue to learn and improve throughout their lives. More than anything else, the role of today's teachers is to set their students on a path of lifelong learning.

To empower your learners with the employability skills they need for future success, watch Ken's webinar here: 

Employability: New Jobs, New Needs for Language Learners l Future of Language Learning Webinar 1
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About the author

Dr. Ken Beatty, Writer and Anaheim University TESOL Professor has a PhD in curriculum studies. He’s worked in Asia, the Middle East, and North and South America, lecturing on language teaching and learning from the primary through university levels. Author/co-author of 67 textbooks for Pearson, he’s given 500+ teacher-training sessions and 100+ conference presentations in 35 countries His research focus is on critical and creative thinking.

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    Almost everyone has studied for a test at some point in their life. Have you ever studied a lot for a test and still not received a great grade? Probably so. This is because not all study methods are created equal. Just because you’ve ‘studied’ doesn’t necessarily mean that the material has stuck in your brain.

    Some common study methods don’t do as much as you might think. One technique, however, stands out for its efficiency and effectiveness. It’s called active recall, and it’s regarded by many as the best way to study.

    What is active recall?

    In short, active recall is the process of pulling information from your brain without prompts. The idea is that when you force yourself to remember something, you memorize it much faster than you would by only reading material or passively studying.

    When you’re taking a test and you’re not sure about an answer, you search your brain for the answer; that’s active recall. The action of trying to remember is what essentially crystallizes the information in your head for the long term. Multiple study methods use active recall or the action of searching your brain for an answer.

    Active recall forces you to pull information from your mind. It’s not just for doing well on tests but also for long-term retention.

    Active recall is praised for its effectiveness, but it is also mentally taxing. Attempting to recall things that are not in the front of your mind is tiring, which is part of why some opt out of using it.

    Dr. Cal Newport, author of Deep Work, says:

    “It’s almost like you have a pseudo-photographic memory when you study this way.”

    Passive and active study

    Most people are taught to study, but less about how to study. People end up using passive study techniques, like rereading material or rewatching lectures. Although not particularly effective, studies show that reading and rereading notes remains university students’ most common study method. (Dunlosky, 2013).

    These methods might feel like effective studying but aren’t really helping much. Yes, passive study methods such as reading, highlighting, or watching can help, but can also give you a false sense of understanding.

    With these methods, when the time comes to retrieve the information, you struggle to recall it because it is not in your long-term memory.

    The first step to becoming excellent at studying is understanding how important active study methods are, such as flashcards, practice testing, or practice teaching – all methods that use active recall.

    Spaced repetition

    If you’re researching study methods, you’ve probably encountered the term spaced repetition. This technique can be incorporated into active recall study methods, primarily flashcards.

    Spaced repetition involves reviewing information at increasingly longer intervals in order to improve long-term memory. You are using this technique when you learn something, so review it a day later, then a week later and then a month later. It helps fight your brain’s natural process of forgetting things.

    Combining spaced repetition with active recall is always a recipe for successful study.

    So, what methods can you use to employ active recall in your study sessions?

    Summarize what you know

    The simplest way to practice active recall is to try to remember the material actively. To do this, read or reread some material, then take some time away—take a walk, snack break, or whatever you like to do to take a break.

    During this break, try to replicate in your mind as much about the topic from scratch as if you had to teach about it. Don’t be discouraged if you have trouble remembering; part of the learning process is forgetting material and then remembering it.

    When using this for language acquisition, make up relevant sentences and translate them into your target language. What type of vocabulary were you learning? What grammatical structures were new to you?

    Take a mental note of which elements you were able to remember and which ones gave you trouble.

    When finished, go back to the material and review. Were you able to remember things? Whether you could or not, you’ve helped yourself. Your attempt to remember is you practicing active recall.

    When you do successfully remember something, you’ll realize that it is locked in your long-term memory. This method is as simple as it is productive.

    Teach a friend

    Similar to mental summarizing, after studying, find a friend and do your best to explain the topic to them. Language learning could involve explaining how a new grammar pattern works in your target language or taking sentences and phrases and translating them to a friend.

    As a teacher, your best lessons are the ones where you know the material inside and out. If you can effectively explain and teach someone about your target language, you are that much closer to mastering the information yourself.


    Flashcards, especially when combined with spaced repetition, are the king of study methods for language acquisition.

    Between all that they can be used for, they are especially good for language learning, no matter what part of the language you’re studying. This is one of the best ways to learn sentence structure that does not mirror your native tongue, conjugations for speedy use and general vocabulary.

    I have found that using a spaced repetition-based flashcard program is the best way to study a language. This way, you don’t have to schedule a bunch of paper flashcards manually.

    Among the most popular programs for language learners is Anki. Anki is a spaced repetition flashcard program. With it, you create your cards and the program schedules them at increasingly longer intervals. It is also used widely among students studying for large tests, like medical and law exams.

    To make the best flashcards, make them yourself. Downloading a big set of flashcards for your target language is tempting but not particularly helpful. Instead, after each study session, make a few flashcards yourself covering the new vocabulary/grammar you’ve just learned about.

    One more thing: do not use multiple-choice answers for your cards. Active recall happens when you produce information without prompts or assistance.

    Personally, I use flashcards every day to learn Spanish through Anki. This program has a learning curve, but the payoff makes it worth it.

    Test yourself

    The goal of studying for a test is to be able to answer questions about a topic or, even better, know the material for real-world application. As stated earlier, active recall happens during testing, so why not use this form of active recall before testing?

    Use your materials to make a mock exam in this method, then take it. Through actively remembering to answer each question, the ones you get right will stick in your brain. Review the questions that you couldn’t remember and retake the test focusing on them.

    While not particularly complicated, these tips and methods’ effectiveness comes from their use of active recall. As you forget information and pull it from the depths of your memory, you solidify it for yourself.

    Forgetting plays an important role in learning something for long-term memory.

    Now, get to studying; how are you going to use the power of active recall in your routine?


    Dunlosky, J. "Improving Students’ Learning With Effective Learning Techniques: Promising Directions From Cognitive and Educational Psychology." Association for Psychological Science, 2013, 1-6