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Education & Training

Planning, managing and providing education and training services, and related learning support services.

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Administration and Administrative Support (6)

View allAdministration and Administrative Support

Quick facts:

Average growth

There are about 10 million jobs in the education and training cluster. Most careers in this cluster have an average to bright outlook over the next ten years.

That many students?

The U.S. has about 56 million students in public and private schools. Student enrollment increases from elementary school through college are expected over the next 10 years.

More than just public libraries

There are more than 9,000 public community libraries in the U.S. Libraries are also housed in schools and universities, government agencies, and corporations.

Museums are local assets

Museums support more than 700,000 jobs and serve as a community asset to their locations as well as a major attraction for travelers. There are more than 35,000 museums in the country.