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Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources

The production, processing, marketing, distribution, financing, and development of agricultural commodities and resources including food, fiber, wood products, natural resources, horticulture, and other plant and animal products or resources.

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Agribusiness Systems (5)

View allAgribusiness Systems

Quick facts:

Technology improves efficiency

Technology continues to improve agricultural efficiencies, for example geospatial mapping can be used to precisely target pesticides and fertilizers to areas with poor crop yields.

Mining jobs are expanding

Mining employs 675,000 workers and is projected to grow more rapidly than other segments of the cluster.

Demand for renewable energy fast growing

Demand for renewable energy is growing faster than any other energy source in the U.S. Usage increased 100% between 2000 and 2018.

Decline in demand for wood products

Demand for paper and wood products is projected to slow in the next several years, reducing related employment demand.