Four free professional development modules for distance learning
During this difficult time, we know that it can be challenging to find the right support to help you and your learners move forward with distance learning.
To help you navigate your way, we are pleased to provide you with free access until the end of June 2020 to four different professional learning experiences, created by Pearson’s global Teacher Education and Leadership Academy (TELA) in collaboration with the Pearson Efficacy and Learning team in the hopes that at least one will resonate and be useful for you!
The free modules: choose one or all!
1. K-12 Distance Learning
We’ve put this brief module together to provide you with some useful strategies and advice to support you as you transition to teaching online and face the new challenge of keeping momentum and learning going from a distance. In this module, teachers will:
- Focus on existing plans for the rest of the school year
- Consider an evidence based instructional model to organise the learning experience for one unit of instruction
- Learn tips and strategies to make learning at a distance successful
- Use a final checklist to plan and craft a unit.
The next three modules are geared toward face-to-face classroom instruction but much of the learning strategies they cover still apply in your virtual classroom! We recommend that wherever the course refers to ‘classroom’ you keep ‘digital classroom’ in mind, or, you could look on these courses as an opportunity to up-skill during this interim online period and apply the learning when you return to your face-to-face classes in the coming weeks or months.
2. Digital Citizenship (deep dive digital course)
This is a 12 hour deep dive digital course designed to help teachers engage with the skills and tools needed to work on digital platforms worldwide as effective and responsible digital citizens and to help build learners’ digital literacy skills.
It builds on teachers existing digital literacy skills with the soft skills needed to function well in today’s digital world where everybody is online. It also covers what you should and shouldn’t do and the reasons why, providing you with a foundation of digital skills that will help support effective teaching and learning strategies.
3. Differentiated Instruction
This is part of our On the Go collection of professional development units for teachers that focus on one topic quickly but deeply, so that in just 2-3 hours teachers learn evidence based strategies and apply to their actual teaching environments.
In this Differentiated Instruction unit, you will:
- explore the main concepts of differentiated instruction
- examine how differentiated instruction is used in teaching and learning
- learn strategies for differentiating instruction
4. Effective Feedback
This is another module in our On the Go collection of professional development units for teachers that focus on one topic quickly but deeply, so that in just 2-3 hours teachers learn evidence based strategies and apply to their actual teaching environments.
In this Effective Feedback unit, you will:
- explore the main concepts of effective feedback
- examine how effective feedback is used in teaching and learning
- learn strategies for providing effective feedback
Getting started
Complete this form to register for one or all modules and we’ll give you immediate access! The modules are available for free until 30 June 2020.
You can get started straight away or bookmark them to come back to at a time to suit you. We hope you find them useful in these challenging times.