Language Acquisition
Comprehensive coverage of Français B, English B and Español B.
All of our IB Diploma Group 2 student books, teacher guides and eBooks are written by expert IB teachers, examiners and curriculum specialists to provide comprehensive coverage of the latest Language Acquisition syllabi. They cover all of the core themes, with clearly differentiated content for Standard and Higher Level students.
Our new English B textbook and eBook fully support the 2018 subject guide.
Our unique French and Spanish workbooks to provide focused practice to prepare your students for their end of course assessment.

Is it for me?
- Textbooks contain authentic text extracts, accompanied by a broad range of exercises which will help students of all abilities prepare for their end of course assessment.
- eBooks include auto-marked quizzes, essay question practice and audio files for listening assessment practice.
- Support for the Internal Assessment.

Français B
Our unique new French B workbook provides focused practice to prepare your students for their end of course assessment.

English B
Our resources are fully tailored to the 2018 English B subject guide, to teach and practise the key skills required for the oral and written assessments.

Español B
Our engaging Spanish workbooks are fully matched to the new 2018 subject guide to provide focused practice to prepare your students for their end of course assessments.

Good to know
All of our printed textbooks come with access to a free eBook version for learning anytime and anywhere. Interactive features include full text search, highlighting, bookmarking and note-taking for efficient study and revision, as well as extra digital resources, such as videos, quizzes and more. All titles are also available as standalone eBooks.