The Big Think: Vocational education: time for Cinderella to be invited to the international school ball?
Presenter(s): Eddie Connor , Matt Evans + invited guests
Vocational education: time for Cinderella to be invited to the international school ball?
The biggest change since the Industrial Revolution is now unfolding. To equip themselves for this new world, today’s learners must grow, demonstrate and evolve their talents, and our education system must support them. So how can you as senior leaders equip all your students for success? What role do vocational qualifications play alongside academic qualifications in a broad and balanced curriculum to give learners of all levels and ages the employability skills they need, whether they progress on to higher education or straight into work?
Join this webinar to hear Eddie Connor, Head of International Solutions, BTEC and Apprenticeships at Pearson and Matthew Evans, International Vocational Lead for Pearson share their expert advice and guidance. You’ll also hear from a leader of an international school who will share their experience and strategic approach.
About the presenters
Matt Evans has 12 years' education practitioner experience in delivering and managing vocational education programmes as part of the senior management team in a number of UK colleges. He joined Pearson as Senior Standards manager for Vocational qualifications and now provide consultation to centres and governments around the world on how vocational pathways can be implemented to education programmes.
Eddie Connor is a big fan of vocational education and the opportunities it can bring today’s learner, he has a passion to make the robust, worthwhile, vocational education programmes more accessible to learners globally. For over 15 years at Pearson, he has supported initiatives to integrate internationally benchmarked learning outcome-based qualifications into the mainstream education arenas, working with international school groups and country governments to advise and help them undertake TVET reform and build sustainable vocational systems that can provide quality employment focused education which can also enable progression to higher education. Eddie is based in Munich.
For: Senior leaders, senior leadership teams, school owners
Recorded: at