Beyond the iPLS classroom podcast: Teaching online effectively
Presenter(s): Sarah White, Stacey Roberts
In this episode we talk to Sarah White, iPLS Master Trainer and author of the iPLS Professional Development Module 'How to teach online effectively' about the flipped classroom approach.
We discuss how the flipped classroom approach has become more popular during the global pandemic, with teaching and learning essentially flipping to an ever-increasing student-centred approach. Pre-pandemic the flipped classroom approach was very successful in university learning and in some cases was used sparingly in primary and lower secondary classes, but since 2020 with the majority of teaching happening online, teachers have re-discovered the flipped classroom.
Sarah discusses some of the challenges we have all faced when it comes to teaching online and how the flipped learning approach can take some pressure off of teachers and place students at the forefront of their own learning. We discuss some strategies and advice as to how to create a flipped learning classroom and how best to plan your lessons.