Is it for me?
Power Maths is our popular whole-class mastery programme for Reception to Year 6. Updated in response to teacher feedback, and to match the new White Rose Maths schemes of learning, this new edition combines updated interactive teaching and learning tools, as well as high-quality print resources, ongoing PD, and assessment - to empower teachers to make maths an adventure for all children.
- The only whole-class mastery programme fully aligned with the new White Rose Maths progressions and schemes of learning (version 3.0).
- Written by leading mastery experts from around the world and recommended by the UK’s Department for Education.
- Built around a child‑centred lesson design that models and embeds a growth mindset approach to maths, helping young learners to develop a deep understanding of maths concepts.
- Brand-new half-termly and end-of-year Progress Tests (summative assessment), written by expert assessment authors specifically for the new WRM edition to reliably track children’s progress against Age Related Expectations.
- Includes teacher support and professional development throughout.
We're powering up Power Maths
Find out more about the new Power Maths White Rose Maths editions.
Watch our webinar recording and see what's changed.
Good to know
Power Maths is built on a world‑class and unique mastery teaching model created by leading educational experts from the UK and China.
- An enriched approach that cleverly combines interactive teaching tools, quality textbooks and ongoing professional development.
- Power Maths Reception brings the core concepts of mastery to your littlest learners!
- Professional Development embedded in the Teacher Guides,
- Online toolkit with Professional Development videos, eTextbooks, interactive teaching tools, and activities to strengthen and deepen understanding.
- Practice Books provide just the right amount of practice for children to complete independently in the final section of the lesson, or as homework.
School based in the United Kingdom? Please click here to view the UK edition of Power Maths White Rose Maths