Is it for me?
Flexible and practical, New Heinemann Maths materials offer you a flexible course that is matched to the CIPP curriculum and is ideal for the international classroom.
- A complete maths programme that enables you to organise your teaching by topic or by curriculum units.
- Everything you need to plan and run successful daily maths lessons, giving you the choice of what to teach and when, or how closely to follow the Teaching File.
- Packed with thorough practice for all concepts, with materials to reinforce fluency in number facts and provide problem-solving activities.
- Designed to develop children’s mathematical thinking skills, with in-built assessment and structured development of each separate topic.
- A supportive resource for teachers with all levels of experience, with step-by-step teaching guidance.
“As far as I am concerned, NHM allows you to be the driver, but gives you plenty of back-up, so that you can use it exactly as you want. That’s my personal opinion, but I think it works well for the rest of the staff here as well. In fact one of my colleagues has said that she has never taught maths so well!”
- Dilys Bartell, Blake C of E Primary School, Numeracy Co-ordinator
Good to know
New Heinemann Maths provides outstanding planning support, exceptional teaching resources and motivating pupil materials.
- Easy-to-manage, comprehensive, and flexible assessment strategy.
- Clear, fun and easy to use pupil resources -Activity Books are used from Reception to Year 3, Textbooks and Extension Textbooks throughout KS2.
- Fully customisable Framework Unit Planning CD enables you to produce, edit and save your own weekly plans and contains a bank of differentiated pupil activities, with ready-made support and extension ideas.
- All materials needing to be copied are available in PDF format, making them easier to print out and copy.