Bug Club KS1 - KS2
With over 500 books, Bug Club includes everything you need to teach children aged 3 to 11 years to read.
Our foundation reading programme
Developed from proven methods and pedagogies, Bug Club KS1 - KS2 is our foundation reading programme designed to help you develop confident and motivated readers from Reception to the end of Year 6. It fully supports the UK Department for Education’s 2023 Reading Framework and provides all the resources you need to deliver the requirements of the Primary English curriculum and iPrimary curriculum, combining over 500 finely levelled books with interactive eBooks and an online reading world – so you can allocate books to individual pupils for home reading and assess their progress instantly.

What does the new Bug Club include?

Bug Club KS1 - KS2

Bug Club Comprehension
Bug Club Comprehension is a robust guided reading programme that uses a powerful and proven talk‑based approach to develop a deeper understanding of texts, regardless of each child’s decoding ability.

Bug Club Shared
Bug Club Shared has a structured, systematic approach to vocabulary progression and beautifully illustrated books which introduce children to rich and challenging words from across the curriculum.

Bug Club Reading Corner
Our brand-new online library of books that children can choose according to their interests, encouraging them to read for pleasure. Children can choose from lots of exciting topics and search for the books they want to read.