Are you a diverse-owned* business?​

Pearson has committed to significantly increasing our spend with diverse-accredited suppliers, in order to build more working relationships with partners who share our values — and to reflect these values in our learning solutions. ​

We are seeking businesses that are certified in a wide range of diversity categories and have the capabilities and experience we need for sourcing opportunities.​

Pearson has partnered with SupplierOne powered by to offer you a simple way to demonstrate your credentials.

SupplierOne is a world-class, register-once diverse supplier management platform which will provide you access to organisations who are looking to buy the types of goods and services that you provide.

View Pearson's landing page via the link below in order to begin the registration process. You will be entered into the SupplierOne Master Database as a prospective business where any of their 350+ clients can view your detailed profile, and Pearson will gain immediate visibility to your capabilities. The registration process is free, in keeping with SupplierOne's mission of supporting and promoting Supplier Diversity without charging for registration or access to their extensive client list.​

Register with SupplierOne

A submission to the database does not guarantee a business opportunity.​

* 'Diverse-owned businesses' include those that are women-owned; Black-, Latinx-, or other minority-owned; disability-owned; veteran-owned; LBGT+-owned; and other historically underrepresented groups in the global regions where we do business.​