World Economy, The: Geography, Business, Development, 6th edition

Published by Pearson (July 13, 2021) © 2012

  • Frederick P. Stutz San Diego State University
  • Barney Warf Florida State University

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ISBN-13: 9780137614424 (2021 update)

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This comprehensive text explores contemporary geographic topics and perspectives relating to the world economy. The authors provide a strong theoretical and practical foundation for understanding the global economy in an era of shifting borders, restructuring economies, and regional realignments. Economic theory is combined with geography to address critical problems of growth, distribution, and development, along with their impact on international business. Recent geopolitical changes are vividly portrayed in a series of superb full-color maps and striking photographs. The Sixth Edition includes updated tables and data, color maps, 2009 economic statistics, a detailed analysis of the global shift in world trade and development, eleven new Case Studies, and a new Premium Website with videos, weblinks, RSS feeds, and quizzes.

Brief Contents

  1. Economic Geography: An Introduction
  2. The Historical Development of Capitalism
  3. Population
  4. Resources and Environment
  5. Theoretical Considerations
  6. Agriculture
  7. Manufacturing
  8. Services
  9. Transportation and Communications
  10. Cities and Urban Economies
  11. Consumption
  12. International Trade and Investment
  13. International Trade Patterns
  14. Development and Underdevelopment in the Developing World

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