Workplace Communications: The Basics, 8th edition

Published by Pearson (May 17, 2019) © 2020

  • George J. Searles Mohawk Valley Community College


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For courses in professional communication and workplace writing.

Clear, down-to-earth presentation focusing entirely on job-related communications

Workplace Communications: The Basics meets the specialized needs of its intended audience: students entering trades, returning adult students and other non-traditional learners. It does this by focusing exclusively on practical applications in favor of theory. The author's tone is conversational and user-friendly, making this text ideal for learners of all abilities.

The 8th Edition expands coverage of searching for jobs online, creating an online profile on sites such as LinkedIn, writing cover emails and crafting a résumé to submit online.

Hallmark features of this title

  • Offers a wealth of examples and sample documents that reflect true-life situations.
  • Provides realistic writing exercises that accompany each chapter.
  • Focuses on global communications.
  • Includes useful learning reinforcement checklists.
  • Free download: The Pearson Guide to the 2021 MLA Handbook.

New and updated features of this title

Updated and enhanced learning aids

  • UPDATED: Chapter-opening learning objectives have been strengthened and tied directly to major chapter headings.
  • UPDATED: All model visuals and documents have been updated.

Enhanced up-to-date coverage

  • UPDATED: Technology-related coverage has been updated throughout.
  • REVISED: Coverage of the job application process places stronger emphasis on online job search, job-seeker profile creation, cover emails, and resumes. (Ch 7)
  • UPDATED: Refined coverage of oral presentations and proposals includes updated information on presentation delivery skills, practicing, and establishing audience rapport (Ch. 8) and greater emphasis on proposal objectives (Ch. 9).
  • UPDATED: Written summaries of long reports are now included in Ch. 10.

Features of Revel for the 8th Edition

  • Revel edition activities support the chapter objectives with opportunities for application and review.
  • The Revel edition includes new samples to accompany model visuals and documents, which have all been updated.
  1. The Keys to Successful Communication: Purpose, Audience, and Tone
  2. Workplace Correspondence: Memos, Email, Text Messages, and Business Letters
  3. Effective Visuals: Tables, Graphs, Charts, and Illustrations
  4. Short Reports: Page Design, Formats, and Types
  5. Fliers, Brochures, Newsletters, and Web Sites
  6. Instructions and Procedure Descriptions
  7. Job Application Process: Online Search, Letter, Résumé, Interview, and Follow up
  8. Oral Presentations: Preparation and Delivery
  9. Proposals
  10. Long Reports: Format, Collaboration, and Documentation


  1. Ten Strategies to Improve Your Style
  2. Review of Mechanics: Spelling, Punctuation, and Grammar

About our author

George J. Searles is a professor of English and Latin at Mohawk Valley Community College. He has also taught at Green Haven State Prison, on the graduate level for New School University, and on Pratt Institute's upstate campus. He has served on the governing boards of both the Modern Language Association and the Northeast Modern Language Association, presenting scholarly papers at the annual conventions of these and other such professional organizations. In addition, he has served as a communications consultant to many corporate clients and social services agencies, as well as the National Endowment for the Humanities and the National Science Foundation. Along with numerous articles, reviews and poems in popular and academic periodicals, he has published 3 volumes of literary criticism from university presses and, in addition to Workplace Communications: The Basics, 2 editions of a first-year composition textbook. A member of the editorial advisory board of the scholarly journal Philip Roth Studies, he has received 2 SUNY Chancellor's medals for excellence, and is a former Carnegie Foundation “New York State Professor of the Year” and New York State United Teachers “Higher Education Member of the Year.”

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