Word Study for Phonics, Spelling, and Vocabulary Instruction (formerly Words Their Way™), 7th edition

Published by Pearson (July 14, 2023) © 2024

  • Donald R. Bear Iowa State University
  • Marcia Invernizzi University of Virginia
  • Shane Templeton University of Nevada, Reno
  • Francine R. Johnston University of North Carolina, Greensboro

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ISBN-13: 9780138224400 (2023 update)

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Word Study (formerly titled Words Their Way™) is a hands-on, developmental approach to word study. It clearly illustrates how you can integrate and teach phonics, vocabulary and spelling skills to all students. Guided by informed research of spelling errors and literacy behaviors, it offers a systematic, teacher-directed and child-centered plan for the study of words from kindergarten to high school. Emphasis is placed on knowing your students' literacy progress, organizing instruction, and implementing word study.

The 7th Edition features a new chapter on organizing word study, as well as new activities, progress monitoring materials and sample lessons. Word Study provides a complete word study curriculum that will motivate and engage your students while helping them to succeed in literacy learning.

  1. Developmental Word Knowledge
  2. Getting Started: The Assessment of Orthographic Development
  3. Word Study Principles and Practices
  4. Word Study for Learners in the Emergent Stage
  5. Word Study for Beginners in the Letter Name-Alphabetic Stage
  6. Word Study for Transitional Learners in the Within Word Pattern Stage
  7. Word Study for Intermediate Readers and Writers: The Syllables and Affixes Stage
  8. Word Study for Advanced Readers and Writers: The Derivational Relations Stage
  9. Implementation of Word Study Instruction: Schedules, Routines, and Materials

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