Wide Awake:Thinking, Reading, and Writing Critically, 1st edition

Published by Pearson (September 9, 2013) © 2014

  • Sara Hosey
  • Fran O'Connor
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Wake Up to the world around you.

Wide Awake: Thinking, Reading, and Writing Critically with MyWritingLab asks students to develop awareness of the world around them and to determine how they will participate in that world. Readings invite students to challenge accepted notions about key topics, pose complex questions about the world around them, reflect on their own experiences, and apply ideas they are learning to their everyday lives. Deliberateness and choice are emphasized in the writing processes.

Teaching and Learning Experience This program will provide a better teaching and learning experience for you and your students.

  • Robust resources improve student writing and help instructors track results. MyWritingLab helps students measure how well they understand key concepts and faculty incorporate rubrics into assignments and analyze class performance.
  • Instructional support helps students develop their own writing process. Eight short chapters on the writing process provide students with just enough advice without burdening them with long narratives of detail.
  • Readings provide models for writing, material for response, and topics for research.

Part 1 Wide Awake to Writing


Ch. 1 Critical Reading and Writing: Identifying Audience and Purpose 1


“Just Reading” Versus Critical Reading 2

Critical Reading: Choosing to Be Wide Awake 3

Identifying Audience and Purpose in Others’ Writing 4

Preparing Your Response: Checking in with Yourself 5

Identifying Audience and Purpose in Your Writing 6

Identifying Your Audience 7

Formal and Informal Voices: Speaking Versus Writing 8

Identifying Your Purpose 9

Conclusion 10

    Follow-up Activity #1: Imagining Audience and Purpose 10

    Follow-up Activity #2: Identifying Audience and Purpose 11


Ch. 2 Using Evidence and Analysis 12


Providing Specific Evidence 12

Analyzing Your Evidence 14

Developing Your Analysis: Why, How, and So What? 15

Identifying Others’ Analytical Work 15

Conclusion 17

    Follow-up Activity #1: Analyzing the Dollar Bill 17


Ch. 3 Getting Started: Prewriting, Developing a Topic, and Drafting 20


Prewriting Techniques 21

Brainstorming: Allowing Ideas and Connections to Emerge 21

Freewriting: Turn Off the Editor 23

Choosing a Challenging and Engaging Topic 24

Choosing to Challenge Yourself 25

Developing Your Topic 26

Broadening Your View 26

Narrowing Your Topic 27

Topic Checklist 28

Determining Why it Matters 29

Different Approaches to Drafting 29

Getting It Down 30

Creating an Outline 30

Building Around the Evidence 30

Conclusion 31

    Follow-up Activity #1: Narrowing Your Topic 31

    Follow-up Activity #2: Developing Main Ideas 31


Ch. 4 The Thesis Statement 33


Choosing to Take a Position 33

From Observation to Argument 34

Understanding and Developing Effective Thesis Statements 36

The Preliminary or Working Thesis Statement 36

If a Thesis Statement Were a Person 37

Developing the Thesis Statement 38

Talking Through Your Ideas 39

Conclusion 41

    Follow-up Activity #1: Playing Thesis Statement Telephone 42


Ch. 5 Argument 43


Argument: Choosing to Take a Position 43

An Example of Argument: The Courtroom Procedural 43

Appeals to Pathos, Ethos, and Logos 46

Pathos: The Appeal to Emotion 46

Ethos: The Appeal to Character 47

Logos: The Appeal to Logic 49

Considering Audience 50

Staying Aware of Counterarguments 50

Conclusion 51

    Follow-up Activity #1: Appeals in Advertising 51

    Follow-up Activity #2: Developing Counterarguments 52


Ch. 6 From Paragraphs to Essays 53


Building the Essay: Creating Strong Paragraphs 53

Evidence and Analysis: Using Your Own Experiences and Observations 56

Evidence and Analysis: Using Sources Beyond Your Own Experience 56

Creating Unified Paragraphs 58

One-Word Transitions 59

Transitional Phrases 61

Writing Effective Introductions and Conclusions 62

Choosing a Specific and Strategic Opening 63

The Opening Anecdote 63

The Crystallizing Quotation and the Startling Statistic 65

Writing Conclusions: Ending Your Discussion Thoughtfully 67

Conclusion 68

    Follow-up Activity #1: Introduction Scavenger Hunt 69

    Follow-up Activity #2: Using Transitions Effectively 69


Ch. 7 The Revision Process: Looking Back, Looking Ahead, Looking Again 71


What Is Revision? 71

Why Revise? 71

Choosing Your Revision Approach 72

Editing Versus Global Revision 74

Revision Steps 74

Wide Awake to Your Own Work: Staying Open to Change 75

Peer Review and Constructive Criticism 76

Conclusion 76

    Follow-up Activity #1: Peer Review 77

    Sample Peer Review Worksheet for a Thesis-Driven Essay 77

    Follow-up Activity #2: Review a Sample Paper 78


Ch. 8 Research and Writing 81


Finding and Incorporating Sources 81

Gathering, Evaluating, and Selecting Sources 82

Selecting Sources: Popular and Scholarly 83

Evaluating Online Sources 84

Constructing Your Research Essay 85

Different Kinds of Evidence 85

Avoiding Plagiarism 86

Summarizing, Paraphrasing, and Quoting 86

Composing a Formal Summary 88

Effective and Successful Paraphrasing 89

Effective and Successful Quoting 91

Citing Your Sources 92

In-text Citation: Making Your Sources Visible 93

Your Works Cited Page 93

Conclusion 95

    Follow-up Activity #1: Evaluating Websites 95

    Follow-up Activity #2: Researching a Monetary Unit 95


Part 2 Wide Awake to Reading


Ch. 9 Disability Studies: Questioning “Normal” 96


Helen Keller, excerpt from The Story of My Life 97

Graham Pullin, “An Introduction to Universal Design” 101

Winstone Zulu, “I Had Polio. I Also Have Sex.” 104

G. E. Zuriff, “Personality Disorders Should Not Be Accommodated in the Workplace” 107

Nancy Mairs, from “On Being a Cripple” 111

Eli Clare, from The Mountain 114

John Callahan, selected cartoons from Don’t Worry, He Won’t Get Far on Foot 121

Questions and Suggestions for Further Research and Writing 128


Ch. 10 What to Eat: Difficult Decisions About Food in America 131


Wendell Berry, “The Pleasures of Eating” 132

Kelly Brownell and Katherine Battle Horgen, from Food Fight: The Inside Story of the Food Industry, America’s Obesity Crisis, and What We Can Do About It 136

Radley Balko, “Health Care Should Be a Personal Responsibility” 141

Michelle Obama, “Remarks by the First Lady to the NAACP National Convention in Kansas City, Missouri” 145

Julie Gunlock, “Federalizing Fat” 154

Amy Winter, “The Biggest Losers & the Lies They Feed Us” 158

Questions and Suggestions for Further Research and Writing 162


Ch. 11 Ecological Consciousness: A Challenge for the 21st Century 164


Thoreau, excerpt from Walden 165

Jeff Jacoby, “The Waste of Recycling” 171

Nel Noddings, from “Place and Nature” from Happiness and Education 174

Ward M. Clark, “Why Hunt?” 177

From Al Gore’s Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech 182

Laura Wray and Constance Flanagan, “An Inconvenient Truth About Youth” 187

The Christian Science Monitor’s Editorial Board, “Why Earth Day Needs a Regreening” 190

Selection of Cartoons: from Dean Young, Mike Peters, and Bob Englehart 193

Questions and Suggestions for Further Research and Writing 196


Ch. 12 Choosing School: American Education in the 21st Century 198


Plato, excerpt from “Allegory of the Cave” 199

John Taylor Gatto, “The Seven-Lesson School Teacher” 205

George W. Bush, “President Bush Discusses No Child Left Behind” 214

Laura Perez, “A Forgotten Child Remembers: Reflections on Education” 222

Luis J. Rodriguez, An Essay in “An Activists Forum: Countertales” 229

Joseph B. Tulman, “Time to Reverse the School-to-Prison Pipeline” 232

Mike Rose, “Finding Our Way: The Experience of Education” 236

Anya Kamenetz, “Adapt or Decline” 241

Questions and Suggestions for Further Research and Writing 248


Ch. 13 Social Networking: The Promise and Pitfalls of a Web 3.0 World 250


Herbert Marshall McLuhan, from Understanding Media 251

Damien Pearse, “Facebook’s ‘Dark’ Side: Study Finds

Link to Socially Aggressive Narcissism” 252

Deanna Zandt, “Social Media: Peril + Promise” 255

Malcolm Gladwell, “Why the Revolution Will Not Be Tweeted” 260

Emily Nussbaum, “Say Everything” 272

Daily Mail Reporter, “‘It Has to Go Away’: Facebook Director Calls for an End to Internet Anonymity” 280

Mark Bauerlein, from The Dumbest Generation 283

Questions and Suggestions for Further Research and Writing 289


Ch. 14 How to Be Happy: The Question of Choice 290


Marcus Aurelius, from Meditations 292

Charles Schulz, “Peanuts” cartoon 294

Eric Weiner, from The Geography of Bliss 296

Vicki Haddock, “The Happiness Quotient” Do High Expectations and a Plethora of Choices Make Women Miserable?” 299

David Leonhardt, “For Blacks, Progress in Happiness” 305

Eve Savory, “Meditation: The Pursuit of Happiness” 309

Questions and Suggestions for Further Research and Writing 315




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