What Every Teacher Should Know About Your First Year of Teaching: Guidelines for Success, 5th edition

Published by Pearson (May 8, 2008) © 2009

  • Richard D. Kellough California State University, Sacramento
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Prologue. Accommodating Student Differences: Recognizing and Working with Specific Learners Attaining Credibility with Students: Teacher Attitude and Modeling Behaviors. Beyond Teaching: A Teacher Is Interesting Because the Teacher Has a Life Outside of School. Colleagues, Administrators, and Support Staff: Your Professional Network. Curriculum Matters and Concerns. Decision-Making and Locus of Control: No One Knowledgeable Ever Said That Good Teaching Is Easy, But It Is Fun and Intrinsically Rewarding. Differentiating the Instruction: Ensuring that No Child Is Left Behind. Discipline: Fear of Losing Classroom Control Is a Major Concern of Many Beginning Teachers. Equality in the Classroom: Ensuring a Psychologically Safe and Supportive Learning Environment. Field Trip: Planning for Success First Day: Your One Opportunity to Make An Initial Impression. Guest Speaker: Making It a Successful Learning Experience. High Energy Days and the Disruption of Routine: Kids Are Human, Too. High Stakes Testing: Checking That No Student is Left Behind. Internet: Valuable Resource for Enhancing Teaching and Student Learning. Job Satisfaction: A Two-Way Street. Makeup Work: Be Firm But Understanding. Media: If Anything Can Go Wrong, It Probably Will! Memorizing: Sometimes It’s Necessary. Motivational Ideas: Build Your Repertoire. PaperWork: How to Avoid Becoming Buried Under Mounds of It. Parent and Guardian Contacts and Involvement: Leaving No Parent/Guardian Behind Politics at School: Best to Avoid. Professional Organizations: Join One. Protecting Students and Yourself: Liability, Safety, and Security Matters. Records: Organization is Important to Success Reliability: A Good Teacher Is a Dependable Person. Salary: Not Great But Regular. Sense of Humor, an Intelligent Behavior: Please Smile and Do So Long Before Christmas. Student Achievement: The Extremely Important and Time-Intensive Responsibilities of Assessing, Grading, and Reporting. Student Learning: When Children Do Not Learn the Way We Teach Them, Then We Must Teach Them the Way They Learn. Subject Knowledge: Fountainhead of Information or an Educational Broker? Supplies and Textbooks: Seldom Ideal, Sometimes Inadequate. Teachable Moments: Be Ready to Recognize, to Catch and to Run with Them Teacher’s Lounge: Enter with Caution. Total School: Enter with Enthusiasm. Transitions During Lessons: A Difficult Skill to Master. Your Place of Work: Please Show Pride in It. Your First Observation by the Principal. Your Professional Portfolio and Personal Records of Your Work. Epilogue. References and Recommended Readings Glossary.Name and Subject Index.

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