West, The: Encounters and Transformations, Combined Volume, 5th edition

Published by Pearson (May 1, 2019) © 2017

  • Brian Levack University of Texas at Austin
  • Edward Muir Northwestern University
  • Meredith Veldman Louisiana State University


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For courses in the History of Western Civilization.

Explore the changing nature of the West

The West: Encounters and Transformations helps students understand how the definition of the West has both evolved and been transformed throughout history. Focusing on cultural encounters, authors Brian Levack, Edward Muir and Meredith Veldman explain how the West originated and developed through a continuous process of inclusion and exclusion resulting from a series of encounters among and within different groups.

The 5th Edition includes coverage of significant recent developments, such as Putin's Russia and the Islamist challenge to the West, as well as new chronologies that aid student review.

Hallmark features of this title

  • An essay entitled “What Is the West?” at the beginning of the text provides a framework for understanding how the West was shaped, and serves as a blueprint for using the text.
  • Encounters and Transformations features show how specific encounters led to significant transformations in the cultures of the West.
  • Justice in History features present significant trials or episodes in which different notions of justice (or injustice) were debated and resolved.
  • Different Voices features offer primary source documents that present different and often opposing views regarding a particular person, event or development.
  • Making Connections questions prompt students to think critically about key issues.
  • The text includes more than 300 photos and images.

New and updated features of this title

  • NEW: Chronologies interspersed throughout each chapter list the events relating to particular topics. These present a linear sequence of events in clear, tabular format, which is helpful for purposes of review.
  • NEW: Fresh images illustrate several chapter-opening vignettes, including an image of Boniface felling the Donar Oak at Geismar (chapter 9) and a new painting of the assassination of William the Silent of Orange at Delft (chapter 15).
  • NEW: Chapter 25 features a new section on the defensive use of trench warfare in 1914 and the relative lack of offensive technologies.
  • NEW: Chapter 28 presents a consolidated discussion of the Cold War and better explores the impact of decolonization on both the West and the world.
  • NEW: Chapter 29 offers a new section on Putin's Russia as well as expanded discussions of both the Islamist challenge to the West and the implications of the European debt crisis for the EU.
  • NEW: An annotated list of suggested readings appears at the end of each chapter. The items listed are not scholarly works for the benefit of the instructor, but suggestions for students who wish to explore a topic further.

Highlights of the DIGITAL UPDATE for Revel (available for Fall 2021 classes)

Instructors, contact your sales rep to ensure you have the most recent version of the course.

  • NEW: History 360 Experience simulations allow students to learn about history through the exploration of historical sites. Each immersive experience combines 360-degree photographs and videos with sound, images and text to help bring the past to life. Sites that students can explore include:
    • Stonehenge
    • Sistine Chapel
    • Palace of Versailles
    • Red Square
    • Chernobyl

1. The Beginnings of Civilization, 10,000-1150 B.C.E.
2. The Age of Empires: The International Bronze Age and Its Aftermath, ca. 1500-550 B.C.E.
3. Greek Civilization
4. Hellenistic Civilization
5. The Roman Republic
6. Enclosing the West: The Early Roman Empire and Its Neighbors, 31 B.C.E.-235 C.E.
7. Late Antiquity: The Age of New Boundaries, 250-600
8. Medieval Empires and Borderlands: Byzantium and Islam
9. Medieval Empires and Borderlands: The Latin West
10. Medieval Civilization: The Rise of Western Europe
11. The Medieval West in Crisis
12. The Italian Renaissance and Beyond: The Politics of Culture
13. The West and the World: The Significance of Global Encounters, 1450-1650
14. The Reformations of Religion
15. The Age of Confessional Division
16. Absolutism and State Building, 1618-1715
17. The Scientific Revolution
18. The West and the World: Empire, Trade, and War, 1650-1815
19. Eighteenth-Century Society and Culture
20. The Age of the French Revolution, 1789-1815
21. The Industrial Revolution
22. Ideological Conflict and National Unification, 1815-1871
23. The Coming of Mass Politics, 1870-1914
24. The West and the World: Cultural Crisis and the New Imperialism, 1870-1914
25. The First World War
26. Reconstruction, Reaction, and Continuing Revolution: The 1920s and 1930s
27. World War II
28. Redefining the West After World War II
29. The West in the Contemporary Era: New Encounters and Transformations

About our authors

Brian Levack grew up in a family of teachers in the New York metropolitan area. From his father, a professor of French history, he acquired a love for studying the past, and he knew from an early age that he too would become a historian. He received his B.A. from Fordham University in 1965 and his Ph.D. from Yale in 1970. In graduate school he became fascinated by the history of the law and the interaction between law and politics, interests that he has maintained throughout his career. In 1969 he joined the history department of the University of Texas at Austin, where he is now the John Green Regents Professor in History. The winner of several teaching awards, Levack teaches a wide variety of courses on British and European history, legal history and the history of witchcraft. For 8 years he served as the chair of his department, a rewarding but challenging assignment that made it difficult for him to devote as much time as he wished to his teaching and scholarship. His books include The Civil Lawyers in England, 1603 to 1641: A Political Study (1973), The Formation of the British State: England, Scotland and the Union, 1603 to 1707 (1987), The Witch-Hunt in Early Modern Europe (fourth edition, 2015), and The Devil Within: Possession and Exorcism in the Christian West (2013).

His study of the development of beliefs about witchcraft in Europe over the course of many centuries gave him the idea of writing a textbook on Western civilization that would illustrate a broader set of encounters between different cultures, societies and ideologies. While writing the book, Levack and his 2 sons built a house on property that he and his wife, Nancy, own in the Texas hill country. He found that the 2 projects presented similar challenges: It was easy to draw up the design, but far more difficult to execute it. When not teaching, writing or doing carpentry work, Levack runs along the jogging trails of Austin and has recently discovered the pleasures of scuba diving.

Edward Muir grew up in the foothills of the Wasatch Mountains in Utah, close to the Emigration Trail along which wagon trains of Mormon pioneers and California-bound settlers made their way westward. As a child he loved to explore the broken-down wagons and abandoned household goods left at the side of the trail and from that acquired a fascination with the past. Besides the material remains of the past, he grew up with stories of his Mormon pioneer ancestors and an appreciation for how the past continued to influence the present. During the turbulent 1960s, he became interested in Renaissance Italy as a period and place that had been formative for Western civilization. His biggest challenge is finding the time to explore yet another new corner of Italy and its restaurants.

Muir received his Ph.D. from Rutgers University, where he specialized in the Italian Renaissance and did archival research in Venice and Florence, Italy. He is now the Clarence L. Ver Steeg Professor in the Arts and Sciences at Northwestern University and former chair of the history department. At Northwestern he has won several teaching awards. His books include Civic Ritual in Renaissance Venice (1981), Mad Blood Stirring: Vendetta in Renaissance Italy (1993 and 1998), Ritual in Early Modern Europe (1997 and 2005), and The Culture Wars of the Late Renaissance: Skeptics, Libertines and Opera (2007). His books have also been published in Italian. He is the recipient of the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Distinguished Achievement Award and is a member of the Academia Europaea and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.

Some years ago Muir began to experiment with the use of historical trials in teaching and discovered that students loved them. From that experience he decided to write this textbook, which employs trials as a central feature. He lives beside Lake Michigan in Evanston, Illinois. His twin passions are skiing in the Rocky Mountains and rooting for the Chicago Cubs, who manage every summer to demonstrate that winning isn't everything.

Meredith Veldman grew up in the western suburbs of Chicago, where she learned to love winter and the Cubs, which might explain her preference for all things impractical and improbable. Certainly that preference is what attracted her to the study of history, filled as it is with impractical people doing the most improbable things. Veldman majored in history at Calvin College in Grand Rapids, Michigan, and then earned a Ph.D. in modern European history, with a concentration in nineteenth- and twentieth-century Britain, from Northwestern University in 1988.

As an associate professor of history at Louisiana State University, Veldman teaches courses in nineteenth- and twentieth-century British history and twentieth-century Europe, as well as the second half of “Western Civ.” In her many semesters in the Western Civ. classroom, Veldman tried a number of different textbooks but found herself increasingly dissatisfied. She wanted a text that would convey to beginning students at least some of the complexities and ambiguities of historical interpretation, introduce them to the exciting work being done in cultural history, and, most important, tell a good story. The search for this textbook led her to accept the offer made by Levack and Muir to join them in writing The West: Encounters and Transformations.

An award-winning teacher, Veldman is also the author of Fantasy, the Bomb, and the Greening of Britain: Romantic Protest, 1945 to 1980 (1994) and Margaret Thatcher: Shaping the New Conservatism (2015), and the co-author, with T. W. Heyck, of The Peoples of the British Isles (2014). She and her family ride out the hurricanes in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. She remains a Cubs fan and she misses snow.

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