Welding, Level 4, 5th edition

Published by Pearson (September 15, 2016) © 2017


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(Module 27407-14) Introduces the equipment, procedures, and safety practices used in cutting steel with oxyfuel equipment, as well shielded metal arc welding, gas-tungsten arc welding, and gas metal arc welding. Labs include practice in cutting and welding techniques.

·        Going Green features have been incorporated to highlight energy conservation, as well as practices and products that have lesser environmental impacts.

·        This edition has been resequenced to contain all aluminum plate and pipe welding processes to include GMAW and GTAW plate welding in the 1F, 2F, 3F, and 4F positions.

·        The GMAW and GTAW pipe welding modules instruct welds in the 1G, 2G, 3G and 4G.

·        Correlates to the American Welding Society’s (AWS) SENSE EG3.0-96 AND eg4.0-96 standards and guidelines.

·        Correlation means that in addition to conforming to NCCER guidelines, this program can also be used to meet guidelines provided by the AWS for Advanced and Expert Welder training.

·        Well-illustrated, up-to-date, and practical information.

Total Level Hours: 160


29401-10 GMAW – Aluminum Plate

(30 Hours)

Covers the setup of GMAW equipment for welding aluminum plate. Explains aluminum metallurgy and the characteristics of aluminum welding; how to clean and prepare aluminum plate coupons for welding; and problems often encountered in aluminum welds. Explains GMAW techniques used in aluminum welding. Provides GMAW procedures on how to build weld pads on aluminum plate; how to make fi llet welds on aluminum plate in the 1F, 2F, 3F, and 4F positions; and how to make V-groove welds on aluminum plate with backing in the 1G, 2G, 3G, and 4G positions.


29402-10 GTAW — Aluminum Plate

(30 Hours)

Covers the setup of GTAW equipment for welding aluminum plate. Explains how to clean and prepare aluminum plate coupons for welding, and how to select the aluminum fi ller metals and shielding gases used in the GTAW process. Explains GTAW techniques used in aluminum welding. Provides GTAW procedures on how to build weld pads on aluminum plate; how to make fi llet welds on aluminum plate in the 1F, 2F, 3F, and 4F positions; and how to make V-groove welds on aluminum plate with backing in the 1G, 2G, 3G, and 4G positions.


29403-10 GTAW – Aluminum Pipe

(50 Hours)

Covers the setup of GTAW equipment for welding aluminum pipe. Explains how to clean and prepare aluminum pipe coupons for welding. Addresses GTAW techniques used to make V-groove and modifi ed U-groove welds on aluminum pipe with and without backing. Provides GTAW procedures on how to make V-groove or modifi ed U-groove welds on aluminum pipe in the 2G, 5G, and 6G positions.


29404-10 GMAW — Aluminum Pipe

(50 Hours)

Covers the setup of GMAW equipment for welding aluminum pipe. Addresses GMAW techniques used to make V-groove welds on aluminum pipe with and without backing. Explains how to clean and prepare aluminum pipe coupons for welding. Provides GMAW procedures on how to make V-groove welds on aluminum pipe in the 2G, 5G, and 6G positions.

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