Welding, Level 1, 5th edition

Published by Pearson (July 21, 2015) © 2016


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This exceptionally produced trainee guide features a highly illustrated design, technical hints and tips from industry experts, review questions and a whole lot more! Key content includes Welding Safety, Oxyfuel Cutting, Plasma Arc Cutting, Air Carbon Arc Cutting and Gouging, Base Metal Preparation, Weld Quality, SMAW – Equipment and Safety, Shielded Metal Arc Electrodes, SMAW – Beads and Fillet Welds, Joint Fit-Up and Alignment, SMAW – Groove Welds and Backing, and SMAW – Open V-Groove Welds.



This exceptionally produced trainee guide features a highly illustrated design, technical hints and tips from industry experts, review questions and a whole lot more! Key content includes Welding Safety, Oxyfuel Cutting, Plasma Arc Cutting, Air Carbon Arc Cutting and Gouging, Base Metal Preparation, Weld Quality, SMAW — Equipment and Safety, Shielded Metal Arc Electrodes, SMAW — Beads and Fillet Welds, Joint Fit-Up and Alignment, SMAW — Groove Welds and Backing, and SMAW — Open V-Groove Welds.




(Total Level Hours: 432.5; includes 72.5 of Core Curriculum)

29101 Welding Safety (2.5 Hours)

Covers safety equipment, protective clothing, and procedures applicable to the cutting and welding of metals.


29102 Oxyfuel Cutting (17.5 Hours)

Explains the safety requirements for oxyfuel cutting. Identifies oxyfuel cutting equipment and setup requirements. Explains how to light, adjust, and shut down oxyfuel equipment.Trainees will perform cutting techniques that include straight line, piercing, bevels, washing, and gouging.


29103 Plasma Arc Cutting (7.5 Hours)

Explains plasma arc cutting equipment and safe work area preparation. Identifies correct amperage, gas pressures, and flow rates. Covers plasma-arc cutting methods for piercing, slotting, squaring, and beveling metals. Explains how to store equipment and clean the work area.


29104 Air Carbon Arc Cutting and Gouging (12.5 Hours)

Describes air carbon arc cutting equipment and processes. Identifies the electrodes and safe operation of the equipment. Provides step-by-step instructions for performing air carbon arc washing and gouging activities.


29105 Base Metal Preparation (12.5 Hours)

Describes how to clean and prepare all types of base metals for cutting or welding. Identifies and explains joint design and base metal preparation for all welding tasks.


29106 Weld Quality (10 Hours)

Identifies the codes that govern welding, including marine welds. Identifies and explains weld imperfections and causes. Describes non-destructive examination practices, visual inspection criteria, welder qualification tests, and the importance of quality workmanship


29107 SMAW-Equipment and Setup (5 Hours)

Describes SMAW welding and welding safety. Explains how to connect welding current and setup arc welding equipment. Identifies and explains using tools for cleaning welds.


29108 Shielded Metal Arc Electrodes (2.5 Hours)

Explains electrode characteristics and different types of filler metals. Describes the role of the American Welding Society (AWS) and the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). Explains proper storage and control of filler metals and identifies the use of codes.


29109 SMAW-Beads and Fillet Welds (120 Hours)

Describes the preparation and setup of arc welding equipment and the process of striking an arc. Explains how to detect and correct arc blow. Describes how to make stringer, weave, overlapping beads, and fillet welds.


29110 Joint Fit-Up and Alignment (60 Hours)

Identifies and explains job code specifications. Describes use of fit-up gauges and measuring devices to check fit-up and alignment and use of plate and pipe fit-up and alignment tools to properly prepare joists. Explains how to check for joint misalignment and poor fit.


29111 SMAW-Groove Welds with Backing (30 Hours)

Explains groove welds and how to set up welding equipment for making groove welds. Describes how to make groove welds with backing. Provides procedures for making fl at, horizontal, vertical, and overhead groove welds.


29112 SMAW-Open V-Groove Welds (80 Hours)

Explains open v-groove welds and how to set up welding equipment for making open v-groove welds. Provides procedures for making fl at, horizontal, vertical, and overhead open v-groove welds.

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